Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Robbyn, you're fired

 You are fired for breach of boundaries, Robbyn. We now know that you disobeyed my orders when presented to you. 

No, you are not my friend, Robbyn, and never were. I see friends very differently than how you - not many few, just few, meaning I could live with none if I was independent enough. Just an apartment with a computer, and maybe a TV, and snacks abound, and I'm good. For now I live with my mom, and otherwise only see pop pop occasionally...You are a fellow colleague at the trade which is children's rights.

You're destroying yourself, Robbyn. Another limit - you are not to use my name or mention me anywhere, and let others speak on my behalf, myself included. But, I don't expect you to respect this, and expect you to go behind my back - behind my reverse gaslighting - and spread privileged information anyway. That is MY information, not yours to spread everywhere.

This is in response to an airborne message announcing defiance to my trauma, and now an admission of dirty (entered "guilty") and clean. "He'll just dry up" or along those lines, meaning she has the biases of a child molester. She works at her own private practice, doing play therapy with children. She does have contact with children. Usually, the two grooming instincts are oftentimes intertwined. I have no evidence that she's switch to a child, as she fixates on me primarily, but we need to spell out who she is and her role in our community. If not handled right, this could be very damaging. We need to figure out a viable exit plan.

So you wanted to be friends with me by projecting the reverse? Nope, never after this, and if you don't want to be friends, then a win-win. I now order you lawfully to not use my name or identity anywhere, and for now not to contact anyone at a place of retail patronage, including any website, to encourage discrimination. Not everyone here hates me, and most people just want to stay out of this kind of crap you pull...She has a grudge against my mother (which she will get a carbon copy of) due to her Major Depressive Disorder, which Robbyn conflates with her hatred of my mother. Apparently, any other person with depression she's okay with, but not my mother, and she can't explain why (open mouth, pointing down, no reason for grievance). People usually resent others for a stated reason, which Robbyn has none - my mother is a safe person, and safer than most parents in the United States. She's one of us because she gets parenting advice from her own son. My mother has the authority to meddle, Robbyn. You don't...You're doomed, meaning shunned. You'll never get my approval about anything, except maybe privately, meaning never because nothing exists. You don't exist Robbyn, meaning not in my periphery of perception. Not without my consent, and that is a rule I am imposing onto you.

You will not disrespect my mother, and you will not question her judgment, and you will not speak to her ever, for she is my mother, and has done good raising me. Usually, child predators pick on the small stuff, like maple syrup alongside a McDonald's Big Breakfast. These, admittedly, are reverse gaslighting tactics, but she has been informed a number of times that she is barking up the wrong tree, and she doesn't want to accept a fault, a trait of a developmental disability she might have. It is a trait of autism to be tone-deaf about an obsession about a person, and I've been there, but that guilt exists in another context, where we speak about those unlawful acts that I committed. Thus, I can just get into her mind, and the goal of the pro-social verbal abuse is to breach a wall, meaning breaking her down until she has no choice but to follow victim's orders. This means stay away. Her fixations on people tend to be controlling in nature, whereas mine are simply begging - a form of control. 

You keep this up and...you've already done away with my trust. Forgiveness is always possible, but note that you were never my friend at all, and were, to me, on the level of business associate. Children's rights is a serious trade, and if you keep goofing off like this, more people will walk away from you. I have walked away, for good. You'll cry in feigned remorse - you really do feel sorry, but then you listen to the other side and attack me right back, because you don't trust that others here mean well. It is a cycle, just like abuse of any kind comes in a cycle.

Note that most everyone else here was not accused of anything. No evidence. Unless you pry on the level that she does into my personal life, in an irrelevant way - what does maple syrup have to do with children's rights? It's like when a peacekeeper craps on you, meaning she don't like me too much, at all. See if I care. Plenty of others here if I wanted a friend. I don't, as of late. Friends are more of a long-term, formal yet casual relationship to me.

I ask to be removed from anti-pedophile supervision, as I trust my mother to serve that task, in a covenant with myself not to victimize a child.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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