Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Robbyn Peters Bennett saga - updated

 It seems she is on stable ground. She has a desire to control for an understandable reason, meaning trauma. I am of the attitude that individuals don't have to understand the victim status of their abuser while being abused. That is to be done at a point of reconciliation. There's always a door open, but I leave others to find a way to shut off my anger...It's a legal switch that I allow the defendant to shut off, and when they add power to the cord, they end up getting zapped, usually simply by me disappearing. I'm a curious fellow on moral legal judgment, and like to revisit old cases when they come up, so relationships can vacillate.

She's burned my trust. Yes, if she says she won't trip up again, I'll get her off the small parent list I have here that only has one other name, who worked with her. All forgiveness means is "I accept your apology". That does not mean I have to trust you. So she doesn't trust me? Of her own making, but oh well...A bridge can only be on fire for several days before it is burnt out. I'm burnt out by your antics. "I screwed up" she said in 2017. 

"I wanted to make sure you didn't choke" I am more likely to choke WITHOUT syrup, "which is the case, exactly" Amy adds. Thus, they had homicidal intent, so I naturally ate less. Yes, I solved the problem myself, but I care also about people's intent towards others. Actions are merely a barometer to that. Both of those days had EEGs planned. "Why didn't you order..." because the victim is not at fault for abuse. "When is the exception" When it isn't abuse, and instead an abused child defending themselves, and/or acting out frustration as a parent. They wanted me to mention child-on-child sexual abuse. The incidents with Kaylee I own up to were all committed when I was an adult in relation to a child in a child's chronological skin. "We're done" Which means? "We're done" Which means? "We have to kill you" And then I just typed that, so leave and go over to parent-land, Robbyn. Look how I can just turn on you when you earn it. 

"We weren't sorry at all" Neither am I, so GTFO of children's rights. We don't want you chomping on the vulnerable members of the community. Most people don't see me as a moral pedophile, but a clinical pedophile here. 

This may simply be botched interrogation, meaning you'll admit you are wrong away from me. Sorry, I already know that, and I accept your apology, yet still won't be your friend. I'll always support what you do, and even when interrogating you, dissociate you from your work. Yes, you are barking up the wrong tree, and you have burnt me out. I have gotten back to trusting you several times, and I will not allow myself to be burnt by you once more. Let it take time, at the very least...I am not a snuggly, cuddly person except with my mom. Everyone else must stay a certain respectful distance, and I'll go to them if I want help. It is "exist" autism, meaning not an existence fetish in terms of gaslighting fetish. "Exist" autistics are never lonely, or at least not in a meaningful way. We can feel rejected by a group, but not lonely, meaning I could have no friends to talk to, and live alone entirely, and I'd be okay. I am very careful who I let into my personal life, separating it from my professional spheres of life. I think in diagrams and rules, and mainly rules and regulations with me, diagramed into levels of heirarchy, and then webs of investigation. I am mainly logical, but can be emotional as well.

Morally legally, both of you, you are guilty, yet not guilty, in the form of reconciliation, but on a visceral level, I don't trust you, at all, as you have not shown good character towards me. I will always agree with you as advocates for children's rights, and want you to stay open for business, but I don't know what to think of you right now. You are both acting like parents to me, meaning intrusive parents feigning a true parent. You are not the gentle parents you appeared to be coming into the complex. At this point I think you mean well, but that may change, so I am distancing myself from you two as individuals, or maybe you three as applied to all the text here. This is ridiculous - Robbyn probably wanted some control over her pet. I want no control over her. I want to be free from control from anyone. If you feel controlled by me, you're the one controlling, because I'm just trying to break you down, and dish out all the dirt you have against yourself against me.

Nope, not going to the police about this, but it could rise to that level unless you get your parent behavior under control, and quit your temper tantrums. I have the right to worry about you in terms of your mental health, because I am your victim, and you are the parent, and you must do as I say. This isn't anti-children's rights land where the roles are reversed...and this is REAL abuse being modeled to you, because it isn't in the eyes of the law. You weren't the only one abused here, Robbyn. We all were, and many of us actually have lawful spanking as our main trauma.

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