AUTHOR'S NOTE: This, and other posts like this, are traumatic writing. Yes, spanking is harmful, and this is the anger at the lowest level. Do change your parenting habits, please. Please don't hurt that child!
We focking will get two big strong detectives to slam you down, and legally batter you, you entitled, filthy bitch towards your children, arf arf. Attack dog instead of therapy animal.
All parents herded into their homes with their abuse, and then criminalize the home itself. We have bloodlust against parents, meaning entitled parents who punish children or control them in any way.
All a parent is is a burger. Flip them on the grill, sear them, and get all the juicy Truth out of them, reminding them of the fact that you have no right to be a parent. Just parent, and quit the honorifics before *I* slam your face down bloody, if I could, you entitled speck and spoog. We will harm your reputation, and we will harm your parental rights, because we sniff blood as anti-spankers, and we want you dead, even if we sound nice, I say things that most people here simply think. Die. Die. Die. KYS, depraved violent parent.
*I*, pedophile, condemn the parents who identify by abuse, by the children's rights definition, to their fate, and put them down.
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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization
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