Sunday, February 14, 2021

The child: The master I heel to - pro-social slave society, pro-social parents

 Many parents value obedience and compliance in children, in both liberal and conservative America. These parents are entitled in terms of attitude, and want all sorts of free stuff such as respect and honor. I do believe in respecting parents, and respect my mother, but respect is earned. There are different levels of respect for a parent. Heel. 

Stoic. Tremble. Law. What my subjective understanding of child. The child's every command and cry for their vulnerable needs, as they perceive, is law. What a child self-advocates to an adult is law, and for me to heed and obey as such.

Christian love is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to submission to the every vulnerable need of a child, knowing that you are her enemy, just as mankind is the enemy of God, and is deserving of His wrath merely for exist, leading to bondservice and indentured servitude towards, with parents entitled to nothing from children, and deserving of punishment for their mere existence in relation to children. Parents should be grateful for the respect that they receive from children, because anything could happen to remove the child from them, and then they deserve the pain they feel, just for their continued existence in relation to the child. I don't watch children, but if I did, this godly advice would apply to me.

I obey the child's command to the level of heels. Heel right next to the child, motivated by reverent fear (GRK: ψοβός) for the child's needs. This leads me earning the respect and attachment of the child, whenever they are in my providing custody. Colossians 3:20 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in everything, as this is well-pleasing until the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender and rest stemming from secure attachment. This means you can tell a parent anything, and they will listen to you and believe you, leading to obeying their instructions because you know intuitively that parents are right, and they have been there for you, and supported non-entitled and non-violent parenting values.

This plays out in real life, normally, by way of pro-social segregation, in temporary reel format. I am aside of a child in the grocery store, not alongside them ready to converse with them, and the child enforces that dotted line, and I am to shut up, be quiet, and not even gaze at a child without her consent, with the slightest of unlawful gaze by her law being abuse. If I do interact, the child invites me, and then she, and ONLY she can give the formal invitation to casual conversation, and I must focus on what she wants to talk about or do, not burden her with my interests. If I am allowed to talk her ear off, I must be grateful and not ask for more. It would be described by the children's rights acronym pro-social ragdoll - she just drags me around like a ragdoll, and yes, I see all the cool dresses. Put it in the cart. Yes, I see that polaroid camera, I'll get it. Now we'll go to the park - you lead the way, and my quality of life doesn't matter, because you come first. Sorry, we can't go to the movies, because the governor cleared the roads. So you're angry with me? Um, what did I do wrong? I must have done something wrong. Lay it on me. Call me every name in the book. I feel worthless not having enough money for that laptop, and I feel your pain, and it hurts me, but things cost money. That won't work.

I am not proud of being a responsible adult in relation to children, as I am not a good adult. I am ashamed to be an adult, as adults are capable of harm, and have individually inflicted it in a collective manner for ions. It is in the nature of adults to impose entitlement and predation on children.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn! Let them suffer! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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