Sunday, February 14, 2021

Therapy-to-prison pipeline: A diagram of societal marginalization of pedophiles

Mental health is a hidden topic that is not discussed due to stigma. Over the years, many mental health disorders have gained awareness and reforms made. There is one last disorder that most people don't know exist yet know exists - pedophilia. We have earned our keep, so give us our rights. What rights? A therapist. A listening ear. Support and accountability. What is the problem? Mental health services being cut, and prisons being funded instead. I support both institutions as an advocate for children and clinical informational pedophile/self-advocate. "Pedophile" on this blog always refers to the strict clinical definition, not the non-existent forensic category (they are called "child sexual abusers").

I, as a pro-pedophile/anti-pedophilia advocate for children's rights, see the pedophiles as kept under a low-level compress, with the children next to them in a prison-cage. Children are openly and blatantly treated as subhuman and monsters, and that reflects onto pedophiles in a hidden, shut-up type of way, by way of religious taboo prominent in Westernized societies long before our country's founding. Abusive shunning to the level of mental health disclosure...The children's rights pedophile like me sees children imprisoned openly in society, and want to say "I'm right here with you". Usually, they have nothing to do with me, or else trust me undeservingly. 

Picture two pipelines. One pipeline coming from the legal system, and one from the mental health system. Think a U. The legal system itself is treating pedophiles as dependents and underlings, giving them excuses such as "they can't help it" and "they can't be cured", and so the general attitude is "lock them up, because they can't be helped". A spur on hatred of the opposite nature attacks trauma survivors instead of the true culprit - the abusers themselves. 

Who are the child abusers themselves? Your politicians, your district attorneys, your teachers, your parent lobbysts, your law enforcement officers, your pro-spanking pastor, and your neighborhood child molester who has yet to see his day in court. They all have one thing in common - they have something to hide or defend. They are abusing a child, but since they are in denial about their behavior, they blame pedophiles as an easy target. 

The label "pedophile" usually goes with either "parent" or "child", and the latter are the most oppressed of all children. I have many grievances with certain advocates who take the abusive stances that such a child is not a child, and I don't work with such advocates, welcoming their hatred. A child/pedophile is often the most brutally honest to their parents about why spanking them is wrong. Just ask my mother, or my father before he died. Most child/pedophiles live in a depressed, anxious state, afraid that they will offend someday. Anyone with that kind of strong, alarmed fear isn't. I blamed the whole world instead. I'm not virtuous, they are.

I urge fellow advocates not to get overly involved with this issue (reassurance, perhaps?). Maybe snippets now and then. The issue of clinical/medical pedophilia is MY issue (and anyone else who self-diagnoses as such here), and MY label. I own the label, and you own the word "abuse" if I ever misuse that disorder. I want each page to focus on what they seek to focus on as an advocacy organization. This is an uncomfortable topic for most all trauma survivors, if not all. Nobody has to bring up the issue but me. I simply urge you to, when the topic comes up, correct people who misuse my label - no medical excuse.

Put all depraved child abusers and adult fornicators to DEATH! Pummel them with stones, and burn them at the stake! Hang entitled parents with their blood-letting for kidnapping entitlement by way of spanking/corporal punishment. We pedophiles are VICTIMS of abusive parents, and WE will make our voices heard, and WE will make our traumas known, and WE have earned mental health rights of our own. Kill the libel that is defaming all pedophiles by killing all the abusers. The depraved and entitled parents who identify by entitlement, meaning who identify by abuse or entitlement, will burn in everlasting Hell-fire! Pedophiles are their victims as well.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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