Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Abortion: Why abortion is bad for women

Many people think that abortion is a necessary medical procedure. This is a common attitude amongst adults in relation to children. However, most women who get abortions are about-faced by how abortion is performed as a procedure. The fact of the matter is that abortion is an induced miscarriage, and thus is a trap for women.

The Bible states in Exodus 20:13 KJV:
Thou shalt not kill.

The Greek root word denoting murder is φονός (Latin: phonos) and refers to any taking of a human life. This commandment was interpreted then as any taking of a human life, including in the womb. Women got abortions then smuggled abortifacient herbs in order to terminate a pregnancy. Abortion was a rare procedure then, meaning only the coldest and most uncaring mothers to be had.

Abortion is a rare procedure here in America. Most women who get abortions are pressured into the procedure by a man. This is because most abortion benefits a man. Whenever a woman gets an abortion, that takes away responsibility from a man. Fathers of unborn children may have to pay child support if the child is born alive. Abortion also is a way to cover for a sex crime committed against a woman or child. 

It is a total myth that abortion gives children control over their own bodies. The unborn child is a body within a body, and has the genes of both parents in the boot. Any life with both parents' DNA is a human life with autonomy and rights of its own. Even the gender of the child is among the first things to be known about him/her as the autonomous child that he/she is.

Most women will never get an abortion. This is because most women are in touch with their instincts, and won't personally get an abortion. If what an abortion entails becomes national news, most all women wouldn't get an abortion. Even if the pregnancy is "uncomfortable" it shouldn't be, as most women who are in touch with their intuition entirely don't feel pregnancy discomfort.

Most abortion in the Early Church came from abortifacient herbs smuggled into the church. Those herbs grew nowhere in the Old Testament context, and were kept out by way of checkpoints at the border. The Early Church did not have checkpoints, as they simply lived next to the church. Thus, when abortifacient herbs were found on the possession of a mother, it was seen as evidence of a murder. Whenever a stillborn baby was had, it was seen as suspicious, unless the mother could explain otherwise.

A D&C is not the same as an abortion, When the corpse of the unborn child was found rotting in the mothers' womb, the doctor then removed the rotting corpse, with there being a funeral for the child. Abortion is when the child is murdered in the womb, by way of abortifacient drugs in most all cases. Every abortion victim is stillborn, which alone haunts women forever.

The mothers who murder their children in the womb, and all who aid and abet, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be cast forever into the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!


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