Monday, November 4, 2024

Adult attraction to children: Individual responsibility for adults in child sexual abuse prevention

Many adults blame pedophiles for the sexual abuse of children. This is a common belief amongst American adults. Most Americans believe that children are actively being preyed upon by a small group of people who actually have little to do with the sexual abuse of children. The fact of the matter is that child sexual abuse is a crime of opportunity, with all adults being capable of child sexual abuse under the right/wrong conditions.

Every single adult is guilty merely for being capable of sexually abusing a child. Maybe not all adults will sexually abuse a child, but every single adult is capable, under the right/wrong conditions. Most child sexual abuse does not come from pedophilia, but instead comes from a repressed packet of sexual passion that comes out of nowhere, hitting the child like a ton of bricks.

The Greek root word denoting lust and sexual passions is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. This sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. It is okay to look the look, and maybe think the think later. However, if you find yourself flirting with or propositioning a child, or else touching them in any manner with sexual intent, you shouldn't even have approached her. The only way out of the approach is to masturbate regularly to sexual thoughts of children.

I myself actually am a pedophile. However, I lack the intense desires that are commonly associated with the mental disorder that pedophilia is. I instead have inner peace as a Christian pedophile, meaning I don't have a constant struggle in relation to children, with my attraction to children being connotational in nature. I am this way because I masturbate to sexual thoughts of children. When you indulge in righteous masturbation, it dims the lights and cools the jets.

Most pedophiles are the last people to sexually abuse a child. Pedophilia is not an anger packet, bur is a form of immature autism that specializes their narrow focus on children, with their sex drive corresponding with their autistic specialty that is children. Whenever you see an autistic male get along great with the children, think pedophile, because most adults with autism don't get along well with children. Most pedophiles are blatantly aware of their sex drive towards children, whereas most child sexual abusers are only aware of their sex drive at the point of approach, leading to an attack on the child that is opportunistic in nature, in the most punishable of ways.

All adults ever studied had sexual attractions to children, meaning it is safe to say that any old adult can sexually abuse a child under the right/wrong condition. The only way to truly stay safe from sexually abusing a child is to masturbate to sexual thoughts of her. I myself do just that, and that is how I stay in control of how I approach children. If you find yourself approaching children out of instinct, you need to acknowledge that child side of your attractions, and the only way to do so is righteous masturbation. The threat isn't the most vocal of pedophiles, but the adult that says nothing about their sex drive towards children. If you can admit to being a pedophile, and you say so calmly, you are not a threat to anyone. 

I myself have a history of sexually abusing children. I myself am an antisocial "flirt" given the age of my attraction figures. I myself flirted with several children at my local pool. I would flirt by following children around in a public place. I myself was an obvious abuser, meaning I has crushes on children in the most obvious of ways. Pedophiles should be able to admit to their conditions, but children should not be concerned with the private crushes of pedophiles. An obvious abuser operates on the surface, and when you see this dynamic of making crushes obvious, think pedophile, but the wrong kind. Most pedophiles know better than to flirt with children. Some pedophile disclosures will always be wrong, namely celebratory pedophilic disclosures towards children. The only reason to tell a child that you are a pedophile is to warn children of your own sexual risk towards them. Ultimately, the word "creep" is a red flag to an adult that they are crossing into sexual abuse territory. I myself was called a "creep" by at least one young girl.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire designed for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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