Sunday, August 18, 2024

Parent attraction: Why the "electra" complex is the root of most child sexual abuse

Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse affecting 1 out of 10 children. Most people blame pedophiles for the sexual abuse of children. This is a common way for parents who sexually abuse their children to project onto pedophiles. However, pedophiles are the least likely to sexually abuse a child. Most child sexual abuse is committed by parents, not pedophiles.

Every single parent and every single adult are guilty merely for existing in relation to children. This is because any old adult could sexually abuse a child. Most child sexual abuse is a crime of opportunity, meaning most parents who sexually abuse children get into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where the parent is ensnared into sexually abusing a child.

The sexual dynamics of any given household comes in the form of a criss-cross. Fathers and daughters are mutually unrequited in their sexual attraction towards each other. Sons reach a dead end in their attractions towards their mothers. In biblical times, these attractions were not to be acted on at all, apart from righteous masturbation. 

The "electra" complex means that fathers and daughters are mutually attracted to each other. In a sexually abusive household, the parent in question exploits the sexual attraction coming from his daughter. Most daughters in the "electra" complex do not want to go all the way, but may want to spend time with their fathers as they get older. 

Righteous masturbation is allowed in the Bible. The Greek root word denoting lust in the Bible is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. It is okay to look the look at your daughter, and maybe think the think about her later. But, if your intent is to do the deed with her, don't approach your daughter. "Do the deed" means flirting or propositioning a child, or else touching a child on any part of the child's body with sexual intent. Righteous masturbation is an amendment to my Christian beliefs, and was an amendment to the theologies of most men in biblical times. 

Alongside righteous masturbation is righteous avoidance. I myself am a pedophile. I therefore tar and char the prospects I might have with children by way of imagining burning in Hell for all eternity just for approaching a young girl with sexually motivated intent. I instead explore all the possibilities in masturbation, and every single time, I end up wanting none of those possibilities.

The most a Christian father can hope for in terms of the "icing on the cake" is their daughter dressing in revealing clothing in order to impress her father. Children in biblical times went naked wherever they went, and part of that was going naked for their father. Children then didn't care, as they were otherwise well taken care of. 

The "electra" complex ceases to exist come the onset of puberty. When children reach the onset of puberty, they want children their own age as sexual partners. Even then, children have to wait until they are an adult in order to have sexual relations, and even then, only within a marriage. Most men want sexual favors from their teenage daughters. However, she wants children her own age. If I were a father of a young teenage daughter, I would only give my blessing to the man willing to make her wait until marriage to have sexual relations. I would supervise all dates until then, and not allow any sex for her.

Most girls become sexually attracted to their fathers starting at age 3. In biblical times, children up until age 6 were kept away from fathers, and were kept close to mothers. Children were sheltered in biblical times, in a protective manner. Fathers couldn't educate their children until age 6, which is when most children became curious about religion. 

Righteous masturbation in the context of parenting has many benefits. For one, when fathers masturbate to sexual thoughts of their daughters, they feel closer to their daughter, imprinting on her in the context of masturbation. Most men who indulge in righteous masturbation find they can build a rapport with their children. Fathers in biblical times were warm, in an encouraging way. This praise and encouragement coming from fathers was due to fathers masturbating to sexual thoughts of their children.

Most child sexual abuse is committed by fathers, with the victims usually being girls. Most child sexual abuse happens when the "electra" complex is entirely repressed by both the father and his daughter, with the repressed sexual desires of fathers come out sideways like a ton of bricks. The daughter usually just wants to spend time with fathers as part of her attraction to her father. Fathers can avoid approaching their daughters for sexual favor by way of righteous masturbation.

Child sexual abuse was rare in biblical times, next to non-existent. In the Old Testament, having sexual relations with a young girl at all resulted in the adult being burnt at the stake. Adults who sexually abused young boys were put to death by way of stoning for sodomy. The Law then took a preventative stance towards child sexual abuse, with all cases of sexual relations outside of marriage being punished under the Law. All fornication and sexual entitlement, including sodomite relationships on an equal basis, was seen as a mortal sin in the Early Church. No sexual relations outside of marriage was tolerated in the Early Church, and this was intended to make sure the sin line was not blurred. Most child sexual abuse in biblical times came from daughters getting their fathers drunk and then seducing him while they were also in a drunken stupor. But, even then, the father was blamed for not saying "no". 

The depraved and decadent, defiled parents who rape or sexually assault their children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of everlasting Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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