Monday, April 1, 2024

Raising your pedophilic child: Why pedophilia is a childhood disorder

Many parents are afraid of their child being abused by a pedophile. However, many parents live with a child who is a pedophile. Children can be pedophiles. Most of the time, pedophiles are thought of as an adult, but one that preys on children. Most people don't know what, or rather who, a pedophile is, or they wouldn't be hated so much. A pedophile is an abused child. Few children are sitting ducks, but pedophiles are not good at self-protecting as children when it comes to grooming threats. Most children can tell just by looking at an adult whether the adult in question is safe or dangerous. Pedophiles, as children, lack that insight, and focus on surface-level threats such as punishments and reprimands. Pedophiles, however, remember abusive parents.

What is pedophilia? Most people think of a pedophile as something hidden that comes out during the discovery of an investigation. However, pedophilia is a form of immature autism where the age-oriented sexual preferences reflect their own developmental immaturity. For some reason, a pedophile's sexual development is arrested in time, meaning they grow up, but their attractions do not. It is a developmental disorder on the line of age-oriented sexual preferences.

The most dangerous entity towards pedophiles is parents, and that is because parents often abuse their children just because they are pedophiles. In most cases, the parent sees where their child's eyes land, and determine from them that they are a pedophile. They get singled out by their parents, and punished for indulging in masturbatory fantasy. 

The main argument for punishing pedophilic children is that masturbation leads to the real thing, and is a "gateway drug" leading to a hands-on offense. This is a stigma that most pedophilic children buy into as well as their parents. Pedophilia served a proper role in protecting children in ancient times. In the Early Church, pedophiles were deacons in the church that protected children, expecting absolutely nothing in return, not even sexual ransom. 

That image of a pedophile was erased in the romanization of the Western Church, where male masturbation was banned due to the false belief that it encouraged sexual relations outside of marriage, with pedophiles being seen as unsaved because of the belief that they will eventually rape or sexually assault a child due to their masturbation habit. This teaching states specifically that pedophiles are predestined to offend because they masturbate to thoughts of children. Many pedophiles believe this lie from the Western churches. The oppression of pedophiles is based on skewed views of salvation that aren't based in biblical fact. The Roman Catholic Church started the hysteria - and the children's rights community in the United States will end it! We as a movement never really hated pedophiles as a whole - just the big ones that are rare. Most pedophiles fit the "little tykes" children's rights profile of a pedophile.

What do pedophilic children need? A good way to bring them up is in the Christian doctrine of righteous masturbation. The Greek root word denoting lust and inordinate affections is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Thus, a parent should allow their child to masturbate, as righteous masturbation is no sin. Fathers should encourage righteous masturbation. 

When giving pointers on the biblical context, a father should point out the pro-pedophile context in order to boost self-esteem in their pedophilic child. The wrong way to do this is to point out age differences, as in the Early Church, most young men married a virgin that was older than them, if there was any age difference to begin with. 

The Roman Catholic Church in particular is a bad place for a pedophile to be. Any masturbation, in and of itself, is a violation of church teaching, due to the false belief that masturbation encourages sexual sin. Most churches do have this teaching, but only as a good suggestion. The Roman Catholic Church is the most sex-negative institution on the planet. Most priests abuse children because they are sexually repressed, and get into the right/wrong situation with children. 

I myself have a good person to talk to, and that person is my mother. A pedophile needs a safe person to talk about their pedophilia with. A parent is the perfect person to be that safe person to vent to regarding pedophilia. Pedophiles would benefit also from therapy, with trauma-informed therapy being the gold standard of treating pedophilia. But, a pedophile might not even need therapy, as it is not a serious mental illness like many people think. All they need to do is let go of the burden. In most cases, the pedophile experiences their desires as intrusive thoughts, which they beat themselves up over. They need to accept their desires. This acceptance comes from masturbating to sexual thoughts of children, in which case all it does is make them more comfortable with the topic of pedophilia, which is what they need. Pedophile self-acceptance simply means feeling comfortable in your own skin about your attractions. If your child says they have urges, know that those urges come from self-hatred, meaning they keep fighting the thoughts, and the more you fight thoughts, the stronger they become. 

The red flags parents should look for is in the disclosure. Most ordinary pedophiles are self-hating, and are only a threat to themselves. They usually disclose in tears, or else not at all. If they simply state it like it means nothing, and then tell everyone, they are what we call an obvious abuser, which is the most common profile of predatory pedophile. I was that pedophile. I made it obvious even towards the children I was attracted to. They usually have not internalized that children are not there to approach. Obvious abusers are the hardest of abusers to treat, because they don't want to know that pursuing children and asking them on dates is wrong. An obvious abuser is usually a dating  abuser, but their autism causes adults to be sensitive when they shouldn't. An obvious abuser uses "autism" as an excuse, and is loud and proud about their autism. I myself note this because I was the obvious abuser that made other pedophiles look bad. I crossed boundaries that I didn't even know were there. 

Most sexual abusers are not pedophiles. Most pedophiles are among the safest of adults to be around children, as they are blatantly aware of their adult attractions to children, and usually don't like having them. Most sexual abusers have a secondary attraction to children, and offend after repressing that side of them deep in their cortex, in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Most serial abusers are rapists, not pedophiles, and the children they usually target are teenagers. Most teenagers, especially older teenagers, look like adults, and those traits deter many pedophiles from targeting teenagers. The abuse of a prepubescent child is a rare event, and when that happens, the offender is attracted to prepubescent children in a secondary fashion. A pedophile is more likely to either engage in sexual harassment of a child who is a complete stranger, or else rape their child in a negligent parenting environment. Most pedophilic sex offenders operate on the surface, in a way that most adults excuse due to their developmental level, meaning that most pedophilic abusers are mentally disabled abusers. 

The DSM-5 is the most credible understanding of pedophiles. A pedophile, by the DSM-5 definition, is a "recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, OR behaviors" relating to "sexual activity with a child" under age 14. "Recurrent, intense" refers to a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children. I am a pedophile based only on my fantasies alone, meaning I even like to focus on my child fantasies. I can be aroused by women, but only when they are naked. Otherwise, women are simply people. Maybe I notice some things about the woman, but it is just a curiosity and not a strong attraction. The profile "our abuser" is not the right way to understand pedophiles. Most pedophiles do not fit that criteria. The biggest lie in that pack of lies is that a pedophile is incapable of trauma. The most traumatized of adult victims of child abuse are pedophiles, and they just can't escape the trauma, which is inherent in nature. Even the survivors today have a better understanding of pedophilia, and I pushed a few buttons and flipped a few switches in order to get that done. Now, the whole trauma-informed community knows what pedophilia actually is. "Our abuser" is more apt in ruling out pedophilia in someone around children. Most pedophiles have experienced abuse from parents just because of being pedophiles, many times in the form of sexual abuse. In terms of sexual abuse prevention, pedophiles are the children that you need to look out for the most, as they are usually profiling blind, and most extrafamilial abusers target children who are pedophiles.

Anti-pedophile grooming is a form of grooming where a child who is a pedophile is targeted by a false police report, usually as a behavioral intervention that is completely unnecessary, in the form of a police report that is fraudulent and false. Usually, the offenders misrepresent themselves to the police, and give false information to the police that satiates their predatory drive towards criminals. Usually, the police have to be killed or else their instincts would lead them to a raid that would kill the child. For an adult, the most common form of abuse towards a pedophile is a false accusation. The way around this crime, which I myself am the victim of, is to open your life up to the public, and answer all questions honestly. If the police don't want you to talk, then - and only then - are they corrupt. Most ordinary police are desperate for that one client that does talk. Police usually have to use "break-me-down" methods just to get people to talk, at least police here in Berks County, Pennsylvania. The police are not anti-pedophile. Most police who investigate child abuse are pedophiles, especially parent detectives. Many male caseworkers for Children and Youth service agencies are pedophiles.

In the rare case that your child is investigated by the police, be open and honest, opening your life up to the public. A good approach is answerence to the court, appointing the police as the judge before the judge. State "yea" or "nay" on the screen, and give an evidenciary statement as to your plea. If the police don't go away, then know that the police police keep the police in line. In most cases, an unpopular officer is appointed as the police police, meaning they have given permission to police the police. The sentence for corruption in police is death, and that deters most police from acting corrupt and misusing their authority. 

The depraved and decadent parents who provoke their pedophilic children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let then descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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