Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Bringing up your pedophilic child: How to show your pedophilic child sympathy and empathy

Many parents fear that their children might be abused by a pedophile. This is a common fear amongst American parents. However, another unfortunate fate for a child is growing into a pedophile. Most people willfully misunderstand pedophiles. Most parents who have pedophilic children are punitive and correcting in their attitudes towards their child's diagnosis or self-diagnosis.

What is pedophilia? Most people think a pedophile is something hidden. However, most pedophiles have a co-morbid diagnosis or self-diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Autism and ADHD involve a narrow focus on one aspect of life. To a pedophile, children are the center of their world, meaning pedophilia is the understory of child-centered autism in most cases, or else child-centered ADHD. As a child advocate, I know a pedophile by their special interest in children. They memorize a list of facts about children, usually in a rule-oriented way. Most pedophiles have a legal personality, but one that centers on children. They live by a set of rules personally, but in the eyes of the pedophile, the rules don't apply to children. 

The diagnostic criteria for pedophilia recommends waiting until age 16 to make a formal diagnosis, but in retrospect, it is easy to tell if a child is a pedophile. Most pedophiles are aware of their attractions by the time they are 16, with some coming to the conclusion years earlier. A child can be a pedophile, and that is where they all start out. So, treatment should start early, with the pedophile being able to admit freely to their condition to their parents. Shunning the topic does no good, and is a form of pedophile hatred in and of itself. A child with a preferential attraction to much younger children needs someone to talk to, and what better set of people than parents? Parents, however, are usually the first to jump on the hysteria bandwagon. The most common trait of pedophilia in a child is a male child interested in children's rights. As soon as they form an autistic special interest in children's rights, which usually starts with the onset of puberty, you can count on them becoming a pedophile. In girls, it is more obvious - their pubertal development is delayed or absent. Most children's rights girls are, in fact, attracted to pedophiles.

How should a pedophile be treated? Most people understand pedophilia instinctively, and their instinct is to treat the pedophile like a child. However, the problem is that most people don't know how to treat a child, and distrust children to even grow up as nature planned for them. A pedophile needs to be listened to and validated by a therapist or other mental health professional. Usually, all the therapist is for is to get the burden off of their chest.

A child with pedophilia needs a place to purge their unrequited lusts and passions towards children. They usually are afraid to take the plunge, but once they do, they become more comfortable in their own skin. The Greek root word denoting sexual entitlement is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not only to sexual desire, but to a sexual craving leading to approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons. Masturbation, in the Early Church, was a way of dealing with unrequited attractions, meaning any extramarital attraction belonged in the masturbation box. It is a myth that the Bible bans masturbation, as the concept is nowhere found in the Bible. Onan's sin was refusing to inherit his brother's wife, which today means divorcing or neglecting your wife is a moral crime.

Most people who accept a pedophile also accept children. Also, most adults treat pedophiles the same way they treat a child. In more pedophile-affirming countries, children are also accepted as full members of society. We haven't gotten quite there yet. 

With all that said, pedophile acceptance, which is growing, is good for children, and that is because as society allows pedophiles to identify, and that can automatically cause adults to accept children. That is because pedophiles are naturally viewed in the same lens as we as a society view children. Many pedophile haters also are hateful towards their children.

Pedophile hysteria is an extension of the same religious child abuse that children have to endure. Whenever someone finds out that someone is a pedophile, they are usually treated as a child. Most of our norms about parenting come from spiritually abusive Christian teaching, and an extension of those Christian teachings are imposed on pedophiles. Most pedophiles have a caregiver, and so, in many instances, anti-pedophile hysteria is imposed straight onto the pedophile, and that may include being forbidden from talking to other pedophile in groups like Virtuous Pedophiles.

The most impacted population of pedophiles in terms of persecution are still children. Pedophilic children are the most persecuted of all pedophiles, because they have two strikes against them - they are a child, and they are a pedophile. Most parents instinctively know that their child is a pedophile, but feel the need to punish them for masturbation, knowing what they are thinking by where the child's eyes land. 

Treating someone as a pedophile should mean something entirely different than what it means now, in our present-day society. A pedophile should be treated much like any other painful and anguishing mental health disorder. Pedophilia usually comes in the form of intrusive thoughts. The way to deal with intrusive thoughts is to accept them. I myself am a pedophile, and accept it as a mental health disorder that I have to struggle with. I, however, benefitted from talking about my self-diagnosis with both a mental health professional and a support system. The right way to treat a pedophile as a pedophile is listen to and validate their thoughts. Pedophiles need to know that the thoughts won't go away, and that the only way to accept them fully is to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children. Listening to and validating a teenager is very similar to empathizing with a pedophile, meaning both need a confidant. The reparenting offered by trauma-informed circles is great for pedophiles. Pedophilia, at the core, is a parent, but in parallel format, meaning they can form a secure attachment with other people's children. Sexuality is the source of all male nurturing, meaning the more nurturing a man is towards children, the more pedophilic traits he has. With women, it is the opposite - most female pedophiles don't nurture that well. 

The idea behind treatment of pedophiles is to teach them healthy modes of parenting, so that they can better and more healthily interact with children. Most pedophiles are pretty much there in terms of gentle parenting, but may need a few pointers here and there. Most triggers in gentle parenting perceived by pedophiles are purely sexual in nature, and have to do with child nudity. A pedophile cannot ignore their adult attraction to children like most parents or other adults can, and so they are the least likely to sexually abuse a child. However, we all as adults must admit some risk of wronging or abusing a child, since we all are capable of child abuse of the worst kind under the right/wrong conditions. The most common form of abuse that pedophiles commit is negligent/permissive in nature, meaning most pedophiles might benefit from learning healthy ways to set limits. 

The depraved and decadent parents and caregivers of pedophilic children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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