Saturday, January 20, 2024

Righteous masturbation: How to deal with adult attraction to children

Many parents believe that pedophiles are the reason for all child abuse, and that threats only exist "over there". Most people do not believe the truth about child sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse happens to, on average, 1 in 10 children. It is the most preventable form of child abuse imaginable. Just take away one variable either way, and it can't happen. The way to prevent child sexual abuse is righteous masturbation.

Most child sexual abuse is not due to the existence of pedophiles, but due to a societal lack of personal responsibility. Every single adult is capable of committing child sexual abuse, under the right/wrong conditions. This renders all adults as culpable for the sexual abuse epidemic enflaming this country right now. Most adults do post a high risk to children, but simply haven't had the opportunity to commit crimes of opportunity against children. Child sexual abuse is a crime of opportunity, and is a crime against God as well as the child him/herself. 

Righteous masturbation is masturbation for sexual abuse prevention purposes. The Greek root word denoting "lust" and "inordinate affections" in the Bible is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Whenever a child is raped or sexually assaulted, God backtracks and counts the every step of the offender leading up to the scene of the crime. Righteous masturbation is masturbation to stay out of trouble. 

Part of righteous masturbation is imagining possibilities with young children, indulging in them through masturbatory fantasy, but then discarding of your fantasy for the child once all is purged. Righteous masturbation is intended to purge all unrequited lusts, including unrequited lusts for children. The more your sexual needs are met as an adult, the less likely you are to impose your sexual needs onto a child.

Most adults deny their attraction to children, usually saying "no lower than 18". But, the best way to masturbate is to children, since children aren't a valid sexual prospect. The "righteous" in "righteous masturbation" implies the purpose for masturbatory fantasy of children - to purge unrequited lusts towards children. 

Most child sexual abuse occurs in a father-daughter "relationship", where the father denies his inborn sexual attraction to his daughter, to the point where he exploits his daughter's sexual desires for him. Parent attraction, with fathers, should be mutually unrequited. The idea is to masturbate righteously instead of find a way to get your daughter alone. If every father owned up to their sexual thoughts about children, it wouldn't come out like a ton of bricks onto the child. In fact, it wouldn't come out at all.

Some child sexual abuse occurs across family lines. Usually, the abuser has multiple victims, and usually, they are clinically a pedophile, but deny their status as a pedophile. They have a sex addiction, with their preferred means being rape. Usually, they are policing some sort of immodesty...and so does a rapist of adult women. How about cut the crap and call them out for what they are - rapists. Maybe "child" rapist is a better term than a celebratory clinical term such as pedophilia. 

Other pedophilic offenders do what I did, which was sexual harassment. I, as a child as an adult, followed young girls around in public places, and then waved to them in a flirtatious way. I am what they call a "zig zag" groomer, meaning I wanted to get around the parents by asking the child for personally identifying information. All you have to do to stop an abuser like I was is tell your child how to set boundaries, meaning tell them not to give personal information to strangers. I am actually incapable of anger, and fear a child who is mad at me. For a zig-zag offender, crushes on children come one-by-one in then form of train cars.

"Parents protect" is an honorific lie, because parents have a poor track record at protecting children from abuse, with most parents instead abusing children. Most sexual abusers of children are parents, usually fathers. Children are our best bet in child protection, but we need adults to properly abstain from sexual abuse. Even most abusers want the abuse to stop, and if they just buckled down and masturbated, the abuse would stop immediately. Children self-protect. Adults abstain.

Adults abstain means that whenever you get a crush on a child, that you don't even approach the child. The idea behind righteous masturbation is to follow the sexual thoughts to the end through indulging in masturbatory fantasy. If those desires are spent away, they don't then need to be revisited until later, when the need pops up, with you being aware of your sexual side by then. If those desires don't go away after a certain point, you might be a pedophile, but most pedophiles are aware of their condition, in a searing, intrusive type of way.

As I said, child sexual abuse is the easiest form of child abuse to prevent, and it starts with acknowledging your own risk towards children, which all adults have, to varying degrees. I gauge my risk by knowing the risk factors for committing child sexual abuse. Most sexual abuse of children is committed by sex-starved offenders, usually when the adult in question is alone with the child. I know my risk is low simply because I have no access to spending time with children - and I do want, more than anything, to spend time with children. In the past, however, I appointed children to the role of caregiver and spouse, approaching them in the form of antisocial "flirt".

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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