Saturday, January 20, 2024

Children self-protect: Why child self-reporting should replace mandated reporting

Many adults in the United States take on the role of mandated reporter. Most people think a mandated reporter is harmless. However, one mental health minority has its main mental health stigma enforced by mandatory reporting laws. I oppose laws mandating certain professionals from reporting clients by suspicion alone to the authorities. I support children self-protect, and that includes children self-report. Under my dream system, the defiled perpetrators would have their child victims to fear. It's called child empowerment. As a pedophile myself, I trust a child's judgment as to whether I am a risk, over that of a mandated reporter.

Children are not sitting ducks like the parent lobby would have you believe. They can be empowered to make their own child abuse reports, against their own abuser, if we trust them with their own intuition. A child who is afraid of an adult, for example, will refuse to go with them. If the offender is at school, the child will refuse to go to school.

Children can be instructed in self-reporting by having a caseworker or police officer give children instructions as to how to report the abuse that they are experiencing. Think an assembly at school educating children as to their rights, and saying that it is for the modern context, not a future one.

Children should also be benefitted with stricter child abuse definitions, where child abuse becomes a perceived crime, not a constructed offense. Most of our laws are based off of the Bible, and Col. 3:21 states, in context, not to offend children or impose damages out of entitlement. 

I myself, if reported by a mandatory reporter, would simply answer to the court, and plea directly "yea" or "nay" in the court of the police, with an evidenciary statement. I am currently under investigation after a child-on-child sexual incident. I didn't commit the rape I was accused of, but I did commit a moral offense, which sexual harassment is in the United States. I engaged in antisocial "rough-play" with one of my cousins in the attic of my grandparents' former house. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about. But, why have such a deterrent to mental health services? Nobody wants to fear the police being called just because of a mental health disclosure - and that lack of admission is what keeps most pedophiles silent instead of admitting their condition to a therapist or psychology. Any hinderance to mental health treatment counts as contributing to the stigma behind admitting to pedophilia anywhere. It simply drives the issue underground, to the level where we can't find it.

I support a world where children who are experiencing abuse could simply dial 9-1-1 and have a police officer dispatched to the house, where the police will settle the dispute with their parents, taking the child's side in everything. We already have a system of parent detectives ready to take on any parent, including lawfully abusive parents. 

One key to ensuring the safety of children is known to law enforcement as pro-social wiretap. Sometimes, the children are kept home for abusive reasons, or else are not ready for school. The answer is pro-social wiretap, where the police wiretap various locations, looking for a crime. It is the new-fangled way of patrolling. I am being monitored, and I don't care that the police are wiretapping my home. I have nothing to hide, therefore nothing to worry about. Everything wrong with me is to show, once made relevant. 

I support the mental health rights of pedophiles. Pedophiles don't all come to therapy just to turn themselves in. A sexual narcissist towards children would come out to a therapist as whisper-speak, where you have to learn to read lips in order to understand them. If anyone comes to you like that, you have met the devil himself. This is an excerpt from the Pennsylvania training sessions for mandatory reporters. Most mandatory reporters are told "if in doubt, report" about an admission of pedophilia. Basically, it becomes illegal to treat a condition that is arguably the easiest of mental health disorders to treat.

Our mandatory reporting system simply is there because children are too disempowered and disadvantaged to report their own abuse. However, I support getting rid of mandated reporting once we empower children to report their own abuse. All it should take is a child with a phone dialing 9-1-1, and then the abusers will be placed in reverent fear of their child victims. 

The depraved and entitled adults who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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