Friday, January 5, 2024

Adult attraction to children: Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Child sexual abuse is a common issue of concern for adults. Most adults, at some level, are concerned about a child they know possibly being raped, sexually assaulted, or kidnapped by a child predator. Most people blame pedophiles, then let the issue go. The fact of the matter is that all adults are guilty merely for existing in a society that hates children. 

Most all adults have wronged or abused a child, and if they haven't, they certainly have that capacity. Every single adult has it in them to sexually abuse a child, under the right/wrong conditions. Usually, those conditions involve a sex-starved adult alone with a child. Most of the time, the abuser is a parent living in the family home.

What is the answer to stopping child sexual abuse in its tracks? Most sexual abusers of children repress their sexual drive towards children, to the point where it comes out sideways as intent to harm, hitting the victim like a ton of bricks. 

The main false teaching guiding the sexual abuse epidemic is the Christian teaching against masturbation. Even otherwise sex-positive Christians insist that they "don't go lower than 18". The fact of the matter is that the Greek root word translated "lust" and "inordinate affections" in the Bible is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to a gutteral form of sexual desire evidenced by a visible or tracible approach to a child, for sexual or flirtatious reasons. The idea is to get those needs met beforehand through masturbation, which will dim the lights and tone down the jets in terms of the male sexuality, or the female sexuality if she so allows.

All adults are capable of finding children attractive. Most of the time, the child appears as an adult, and has adult-like features due to pubescent development. A woman, for example, might be attracted to a teenage boy. All men are attracted to children in some capacity, with 20% of men being attracted to prepubescent children. Does this scare you? Then, it is best that you face that feeling head on, and spend away your attraction to children.

Most pedophilic offenders are either really small or really large, but usually, they are the small ones who have an open crush on a child, where the child perceives offense or else is led astray. Think the creep who follows children home from school. Most pedophilic offenders, apart from the most prolific, are surface-level offenses that place children into adult roles.

Child sexual abuse prevention is a pitch-in cause. We all as adults have sexual thoughts about children, whether we want to acknowledge them or not. I myself pitch in by masturbating to sexual thoughts of children. I am a pedophile, but choose not to sexually abuse a child. I masturbate for health reasons, meaning never to plan. I recommend to all adults to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children, and face their fear of that side of them.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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