Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Clergy abuse: Why pedophile hatred is the cause of clergy abuse

Many people don't want to talk about it in the Catholic circles that I grew up in. Most people that I talked to thought one man, State Representative Mark Rozzi. My grandfather, from the memories I recall, opposed his proposals to eliminate the statute of limitations for sexual offenders. I think he's being too nice about the issue. I say lock them all up, regardless of time period, but that will never fly. Clergy abuse is the most preventable form of abuse, in the most hopeless type of way. If only the Catholic church would rid themselves of their anti-masturbation teaching, which most guilty priests rely on as a means to convince themselves that they are "cured".

Where did the hatred of pedophiles come from? The fact of the matter is that the romanization of the Catholic Church is where the hatred of pedophiles came from. The equation most alleged Christians who hate pedophiles come to is that because masturbation about a child is sin, because all masturbation is sin, therefore all pedophiles are "concealed to their fate". Most pedophiles are hated more when they masturbate than when they sexually abuse a child, especially in more religious circles. Most pedophiles are anti-religious.

There are several passages in the New Testament that condemn "lust" or "inordinate affections". It all boils down to the Greek root word επιθυμέω (Latin: epithmeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to a gutteral sexual desire that leads to approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons. As a pedophile, you can look the look, or even think the think, but if you as much as approach the approach, you are suspect. If you rape or sexually assault a child, you have committed a moral crime worse than murder, meaning a form of blasphemy known as fornication.

The Roman Catholic Church has a no-masturbation policy. That means that any male masturbation is prohibited by the Roman Catholic Church, for any reason stated. Most child sexual abuse occurs in dry and daft places, where adults don't want to acknowledge their attraction to children. You acknowledge any sexual attraction simply by calling it up from the boot using masturbatory fantasy, in this case about children. Most adults avoid acknowledging their sexual side towards children by refusing to masturbate below a certain age, or else at all.

A Catholic priest is in a very at-risk place. Not only are they not allowed to masturbate, but they aren't allowed to get married. That leaves them without a sexual outlet to acknowledge. This leads to sexual denial, and then to offending once they are in the right/wrong opportunity. To most religious leaders across the board, masturbating to thoughts of children is the "ultimate sin". But, what about when the child is actually ambushed.

I myself am a pedophile, and given the situation that society puts me in, I can understand why a Catholic priest would sexually abuse a child. Most sexual abusers operate in dry and daft situations, not the opposite. A Catholic priest is not allowed any sexual outlet whatsoever, but it all has to go somewhere, doesn't it? That is why I embrace righteous masturbation, meaning I intentionally go to sexual fantasies of children. That, alongside righteous avoidance through images of Hell, keep me in line. I believe that, due to my pedophilia, that I can see the issue of child sexual abuse from a unique angle, and tell others why a pedophile would do such a thing as to sexually violate a child. We will always need survivors to tell their story, but pedophiles have another perspective worth noting.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who commit sexual offenses while vested with the power and prestige of a clergyman will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into the fire of Hell and torrents! Repent!

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