Thursday, May 18, 2023

Pedophilic children: How to bring up pedophilic children

Many people hate pedophiles. However, more and more people are defending pedophiles. Most people who defend pedophiles have criminals and sex offenders in mind. I as a child advocate don't defend the criminals with pedophilia, but the VICTIMS with pedophilia. 3 out of 4 pedophiles have never rapes or sexually assaulted a child. The core of the victims of pedophile hysteria are children themselves, and pedophile hysteria can come in the form of child sexual abuse. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and pedophilia, in an ideal world, should be seen as a valid mental illness, with pedophiles being able to talk about sexual thoughts about children just as people with other forms of mental illness can talk about suicide openly.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is NOT the same as narcissism, meaning most pedophiles are not narcissists in any capacity. Pedophilia is a form of immature autism, where the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual with autism correspond with the immature developmental level of the individual with autism. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children, in terms of knowledge and social skills. Pedophilia is a humanizing attraction, where the pedophile values the humanity of children more than other adults, in a way where the pedophile can easily get onto the level of the child, and empathize with the child. Most pedophiles are highly sensitive towards children, with children being the center of the pedophile's worldview.

How do you understand the modern hysteria against pedophiles? Parents commit most child abuse, with 80% of child sexual abuse cases being perpetrated by a parent, and the remainder being perpetrated by adults extended into the lives of children by parents. The core of all child victims of parents are pedophiles. At the core, pedophile hysteria is a form of religious child abuse against pedophilic children, usually of latinate origin. Most pedophilic children are punished merely for having masturbatory fantasies about children, with parents figuring out the sexual preferences of the pedophile by watching his/her gaze. Many pedophiles have experienced rape and sexual assault as children, and that rape was usually corrective in nature, as a parental attempt to cure the pedophile. Most Christian denominations pray away the pedophile, and trying to pray away my pedophilic inclinations alone is anti-pedophile entitlement to me, since you are imposing your false beliefs on pedophilia on me. The core of pedophile hysteria is NOT the fact that pedophiles can't get what they want, but the fact that everyone wants to cure the disorder, when the disorder is genetic in an incurable way.

There is one false and abusive religious teaching guiding all of the societal hatred of pedophiles, and it is one imposed on pedophilic children. To some Christians, even looking at a woman out of sexual desire is something to avoid, and this is interpreted by many religious denominations - with latinate influence - as banning all masturbation and sexual fantasy. The mainstream teaching in Christianity is that you can carry a fantasy, but you can't indulge in it. This teaching quotes Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath already committed adultery with her already in his heart. 

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even sexual desire towards children, but to sexual entitlement. Adult sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want from children, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The sin line is not at masturbation, but taking the first steps to approach a child for sexual or flirtatious purposes, if you are a pedophile. If you start approaching a child, turn around, and you will be forgiven. Once you actually rape or sexually assault a child under the age of majority, you have defiled yourself next to them.

It may be annoying or even upsetting to pedophile parents (parents of pedophilic children), but pedophilic children have a sex drive that goes nowhere, since even they assumedly know that sex with children is off-limits. Your average pedophile does not masturbate to plan out acts of rape or sexual assault against a child, but for release concerning a sexual drive that can go nowhere. Masturbation channels the sex drive of the pedophile inwards, so the pedophile can be in complete and total control of where his/her sexual desires go. 

There are a wide range of autistic special interests that can help tell if your child is a pedophile, and they all are child-centered interests. One common special interest among pedophilic children is children's rights. Most pedophiles, in real life, are against any cruelty or abuse towards a child, to the extreme. A common pedophile behavior in children is guarding younger siblings or family members, meaning literally standing in between a child about to be scolded, and the parent scolding the child, usually destroying the parent's parenting style in terms of argumentation. When you see your child, especially after puberty, becoming a bleeding heart for children, think pedophile and see who they find attractive. Then, make room for them to disclose, and once they disclose, reassure them that you love them because of their flawed nature, not despite it. 

In pedophile disclosures, you can tell if they are an abuser. In today's modern society, the disclosure should be tearful and sorrowful. If they disclose the disorder like it means nothing, and start telling a whole bunch of people about it in bragging tone, they might be a form of abuser known as an obvious abuser, meaning they don't see the limits with children, in a way that is so obvious that it doesn't catch people's radar. Most people are looking for a low-level threat in a pedophile, not something right in front of their face. This type of pedophile can be rehabilitated, but they need to be informed of the boundaries around children. Usually, they will take this advice from the children themselves. An obvious abuser doesn't dehumanize their victims, but hunanizes them in a way that puts them on a pedestal, but most children find being seen as a sex goddess to be creepy. 

Pedophilia can easily be understood as similar to zoophilia, but directed towards children instead. Pedophilia is a tendency that you want to center, and once it is centered properly, it make a man want to nurture. Fathers in biblical times usually had a touch of pedophilia, in which case they invoked righteous masturbation, and otherwise got along with their children in a warm and nurturing way. Actual pedophilia is when that type of sexually motivated parent is parallel to the other parents, keeping them in line. In the Early Church, some church elders were designated for hearing child abuse cases, and they were all pedophiles. They would take the little children being abused into their arms, and into their care, and ask nothing in return. In other ancient societies, pedophiles demanded sex in return as a form of bartering, but under Christian law, this was unlawful. 

Pedophilia is not a medical excuse for abuse, including child sexual abuse. Most pedophiles are VICTIMS of crime and abuse, but rarely disclose in those instances. I myself have abused children in the past as an antisocial flirt, meaning I have a sexual harassment problem. Most pedophiles have even less sin guilt than me. They are literally the safest adults to have your children around. Most are very much trauma-aware. So, when you misuse my mental health label as a medical excuse, usually in a projectory way, you don't deserve to wear that label. The pedophile label is for the few of us who seek not to sexually abuse children, now and in the future. The rest of the adults in this world can go with no label to excuse their abuse of children, since most adults in our society are trash.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who offend or procure children, and project your evil onto pedophiles, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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