Sunday, March 5, 2023

The religious child abuse of pedophilic children: The roots of the hysteria

Many people these days hate pedophiles. However, a growing number of individuals are growing to support pedophiles, from a distance. Most of the support for pedophiles over the years has been for sex offenders, conflating the two concepts. An actual pedophile is, in reality, more likely to be the victim of that kind of abuse. The most monstrous contributors to the societal hysteria against pedophiles is the sexual abusers of children, including those who have offended or procured a pedophilic child.

What is a pedophile? Most people think a pedophile is a narcissist you hide from everyone. Pedophilia is an immature form of autism, with the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual with autism corresponding with the arrested emotional development of the individual. Most of the time, the autistic special interests specialize in children's issues, with children's rights being a common autistic interest for a pedophile. Most people see children as a small part of life. In the eyes of a pedophile, children are everywhere, with children being their narrow autistic focus. Most pedophiles, like all of us as adults, have abused a child in the past, but usually in the form of antisocial "loitering", meaning they use an innocuous-looking friendship as a one-sided romance that isn't there and shouldn't be there. Not all pedophiles do even this, though I did in the past. Most pedophiles have not internalized society's view of children, meaning they are mind-blind to the hatred of children. The pedophiles who have internalized society's hatred of children tend to be the career offenders that law enforcement agencies (LEAs) target. I simply enjoy the company of children, and that is my entitlement statement as an adult in relation to children, and that statement is common for pedophiles like me. 

The prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles, contrary to popular myth, did not come from trauma survivors. It wasn't concocted by any group of people in modern times. The hysteria is a form of religious child abuse, meaning it comes from false and spiritually abusive teachings manufactured by churches, meaning these teachings pervert the Bible in order to oppress a minority within the child population. The hatred of pedophiles dates back to the Roman Catholic Church, an organization that promotes policies that breed sexual abuse yet discriminates against pedophiles becoming priests. One Roman Catholic teaching used by abusive religious parents against their pedophilic children is based on one verses where Christ was woefully misquoted. See Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" here is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even sexual desire for children. This word refers instead to sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Christ was speaking of a specific type of look, meaning the "you're mine (to have sex with)" look. That kind of glazed over look in men then always led to approaching a woman. But, once you approach a woman for those reasons, your look is incriminated. Men are visual creatures, and when they see something, they might want to masturbate later to the image. But, when you take those first steps to approach a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons, you commit the moral crime of adult sexual entitlement.

Most pedophiles are survivors of religious child abuse. This means that they were punished and controlled by their abusive religious parents in the name of God and religion, usually by way of sexual shaming abuse. Most of the time, pedophiles were punished, many times physically, for masturbating to thoughts of children. Parents could tell that they were attracted to children by how they looked at children, compared to what they did afterwards. Think wives-tales about how "masturbating will make you go blind". The abuse is like hearing that from a parent, only a lot scarier. What is worse? You are a pedophile, meaning the abuse makes your only sexual outlet feel like crap. This is what I internalized during my time at the Virtuous Pedophiles forum, where the majority of the membership is actually anti-religious. I have people I can talk to in my personal life and my professional life here at Children's Rights.

The Roman Catholic Church, today, is repressive to pedophiles, just as it was when Constantine founded it. Roman Catholic priests are prohibited from masturbating, as is their flock. Thus, a Catholic priest has a repressed sex drive, and a part of every adult's sex drive is directed towards children. The repressed sexual desire then comes out sideways in the form of a rape or sexual assault against a child. Some of these offenders are career abusers, but my speculation is that many are situational abusers. If all of these abusers simply masturbated to thoughts of children, and became aware of their sexual side of their parent, the sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church would end.

One of the worst things you can say to a pedophile is that their thought processes are sexually amoral. No mere thoughts are sins under God's Law. What matters is visible intent towards a child, as gauged by how you approach a child. If you approach them in a flirtatious or sexual way, you are grooming them, and once the child perceives your approach, you are an adult fornicator of children, meaning a sexual abuser of children.

The Early Church was friendly to non-offending pedophiles, with the Apostle Paul himself being a non-offending pedophile. The Apostle Paul was welcomed by the men of the Early Church, and never abused a child, not even once. The Apostle Paul was a strong-arm protective influence in children's lives, and was standing up for children personally in Bible verses such as Col. 3:21 and Eph. 6:4. Masturbation in the Early Church was seen as a sex ritual that was intended to purge unrequited lusts, and was especially done amongst monastic Christians like the Apostle Paul. A pedophile could remain single and celibate under the ordinances of the Early Church, and could admit openly their attraction amongst fellow Christians. Child sexual abuse, however, was not acceptable at all then, and was seen as deserving of death, even if that only meant excommunication. Hell was seen as a form of capital punishment in and of itself, meaning the second death where all evil souls were tormented forever and ever. The Roman Catholic Church, when Rome took over Western Christianity, made pedophilia a moral crime in and of itself, redefining sexual entitlement as, at minimum, looking at a woman or child for sexual reasons, which is found nowhere in the biblical context.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sexual abusers of children who blame their pedophilic child victims will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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