Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Why we need more mental health services for pedophiles

Many people these days support pedophiles. There is a growing number of people who support pedophiles, namely in terms of their civil rights. The legal case for pedophiles is widely known, and most people don't want to hear it. Anyone who chooses to abuse a child deserves to be punished. But, there is a mental health case for pedophiles that deserves to be heard. We need more mental health services for pedophiles.

What is pedophilia? Most people regard pedophilia to be a narcissist. However, it is actually a form of sexual immaturity associated with autism spectrum disorders and related disorders, meaning the age-oriented sexual preferences of the pedophile reflect arrested sexual development in the pedophile. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children in terms of knowledge and social skills, meaning their special interests of pedophiles usually center around children, from puberty on up in terms of age. Ultimately, pedophilia is a hormonal imbalance where the hormonal development of the pedophile is arrested at puberty, usually linked to arrested emotional development. 

All adults have traits of pedophilia, usually in their secondary sexual preferences. All adults surveyed by researchers were capable of sexual fantasy about a child. Child sexual abuse usually occurs in sexually repressed environments where a sexual attraction to a child is not to be talked about. When you repress any desire, it becomes stronger, to the point where it comes out sideways. What if pedophiles and other adults attracted to children were simply afforded a therapist to talk about such issues with?

Sexual thoughts about children are like suicidal thoughts - they lead to an immoral conclusion, but we should be talking about them. We should be having a national conversation about sexual attraction to children, including pedophilia. Therapists should be trained on pedophilia in therapy school. I am seeing more psychiatrists, particularly in the autism community, understanding the disorder. Many trauma-informed therapists do not understand the disorder, meaning either they want their clients' input, or they do not want any input from a pedophile client and want to get rid of them. My own therapist, thankfully, is a trauma-informed therapist who wants to learn about the disorder.

It is when you bottle up sexual thoughts about children that you find yourself acting on them. Instead, vent somehow about that attraction. It is not safe yet to talk about such attractions, but it is safe enough to indulge in masturbatory fantasy about children, and this encapsulates the desire so that you have total control over where it goes. If you really need to blow off some steam, and talk about your attraction to children, see my Resources section.

The prejudicial hatred ultimately comes from the sexual abuse of children. There are many ways to look at how the hysteria played out, but ultimately, pedophile hysteria comes from the sexual abusers of children themselves, usually calling themselves "purity parents". This is a group of conservative parents that commonly sexually abuse their children, usually projecting their guilt onto pedophiles, when they are most commonly doing the abuse. Most child sexual abusers are anti-pedophiles, not pedophiles. If you are accusing every parent you meet of being a pedophile, you have something to hide. So, let's retire that anti-abuser slur and acknowledge that all of us as adults are capable of sexual abusing a child under the right/wrong conditions, and usually, when abuse does occur, the abuser is accusing everyone around them of being "pedophiles". That is the first sign of an abuser that is often ignored. Most child predators are vigilante types that use their victim to project their abuser onto other imaginary threats in other parents. Most pedophiles fall into a different category, where they are being sexually abused in the form of sexual shaming abuse. I am anti-spanking partially because that is what pedophilic children suffer, just because they are pedophiles. 

I myself am a purity Christian, but in the children's rights tense. Nowhere in the Bible is the word "pedophile" ever used, and in the original context, masturbatory fantasy about children was encouraged by the religious authorities, and in fact was required and deemed a cleansing ritual in the Early Church if you chose the single celibate route. The Greek root word denoting lust in the Bible is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even sexual desires towards children, but instead refers to sexual entitlement, as defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Approaching any man, woman, or girl who was not your wife, in order to solicit sexual favors or else flirt in any way, was seen as the mortal sin, not masturbating.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sexual abusers of children, who blame pedophiles for everything, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them suffer in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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