Sunday, January 22, 2023

The electra complex: Understanding how to prevent child sexual abuse (and improve your relationship with your child as a father)

Many parents think that the threat from child sexual abuse is an external threat, meaning only a pedophile would commit such a moral crime against a child. This is a common attitude amongst American parents. However, every single adult is responsible for the moral crime of child sexual abuse, merely for existing as the adults that they are.

Different demographics of adults are more likely to sexually abuse a child. Adult men are the most likely of adults to sexually abuse a child, especially fathers or father figures. Why? The electra complex explains everything. The Electra complex, in psychoanalytic theory, refers to a mutually unrequited sexual dynamic between father and daughter, where fathers form a sexual attachment to daughters, and daughters a sexual attachment to fathers. In our modern society, this dynamic is repressed, whereas in Ancient Jewish society, this dynamic was on the surface. When you repress something like a sexual attachment, it gives the attraction more power, and then the sexual attraction to daughters comes out sideways, in the form of child sexual abuse.

Masturbation was a religious requirement amongst men in the Early Church, and was considered a sex ritual intended to purge unrequited lusts. This included sexual lusts towards children. Many Christians argue that Christ spoke against masturbation at the Sermon on the Mount. Let's exegete Matthew 5:27-28 for answers: 

Ye have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not commit adulery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery already in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even sexual desire towards children. This word refers chiefly to sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The moment you take the first steps to approach a child for sexual or flirtatious purposes, the moment you become sexually entitled as an adult, and the moment the child victim perceives your approach, is the moment that adult sexual entitlement becomes adult fornication, defiling yourself next to the child victim, with your sexual entitlement being colored in reverse coloration format as defiled and unclean until the even.

How can forming a sexual fantasy about your daughter, as a father, help with your relationship with your daughter? For one, it can boost her body image to know that someone close to her finds her attractive, as long as the look from fathers is respectful and courteous, instead of an entitled look (ex. glazed-over look). Also, masturbatory fantasy about your child leads to a closer father-child bond. 

Fathers, however, admittedly don't usually treat both sexes of children equally unless they are clinically pedophiles, hence the mother's judgment about the child and his/her needs is more objective, whereas the father's judgment about the child's needs is more subjective. In Ancient Israel, fathers were playmates to their children, as the sexual fantasy about children brought the father's conditioning to the level of his children. The mother was the more sturdy and mature parent, but in close, snuggly way.

There are dangers to think about before masturbating to sexual thoughts about your child. Know that, in the Early Church, any sexual advances from children were documented by parents, and then the child was confronted about it when the child was about to be baptized and welcomed into the church. All the child had to do was own up to his prior sexual entitlement, and then all was absolved. Sometimes, the child defended their past sexual acts, and then they were excommunicated immediately as a fornicator, and not allowed back at all. In the Old Testament, parents simply allowed, for example, boys to freshen up mothers. In the Early Church, however, mothers shook off the advances of their young sons (the Oedipus complex), and then redirected them towards masturbation, documenting every time it happened. Usually, parents were firm enough that sexual advances from their children were stopped right there. Christians should follow the model of the Early Church, as the Early Church was the perfect church, and is the model for how ALL Christian churches should function.

Usually, with the Electra complex, the daughter likes looking pretty and attractive for her father, with young girls in biblical times going naked until the day of being married off. She liked being naked, because she liked her father looking at her. Fathers usually liked what they saw, and remembered it for masturbatory fantasy later. Usually, the only sign of father-daughter attraction in a Christian home in the 1st Century was where the eyes went, on both ends of the attraction. This dynamic should not be repressed, as that leads to sexual abuse. But, there must be purity and cleanliness rules, or else this sort of thing could get very messy, and lead to abuse in and of itself. Fathers should keep up with masturbation, and should redirect lustful daughters to masturbation. Child sexual abuse was rare next to non-exustent in Ancient Israel and the Early Church, and usually happened when daughters acted like sirens, luring fathers to their fate, usually with alcohol involved - think the story of Lot in the Bible. Fathers who succumbed to their daughter's sexual desires were put to death by way of burning at the stake.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators of children who save sexual entitlement for the abuse and exploitation of children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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