Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Child crushes: Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Most people think that pedophiles are the sole cause of child sexual abuse, and that if we could just kill them all, abuse would end. Most people think the situation is hopeless, and that the sexual abuse of children will never end. The fact of the matter is that every single adult is capable of sexually abusing a child under the right/wrong conditions. Most sexual abuse of children comes from child crushes, which any adult can form to at least one age bracket of children.

How does child sexual abuse occur? I am a former offender, meaning I have committed sexual offenses against children by the moral standard. I pursued young girls by following them around in public places, flirting with them by waving at them. Many of them took it as a complement, but the very fact that I had that sexual entitlement made it sexual abuse, at least once perceived by the child in any way. All sexual abuse happens with this romantic drive, but it is usually repressed, and when something is repressed, it is more likely to come out sideways in a way that the individual cannot control.

Most child sexual abuse occurs when an adult develops a crush on the child - usually their own child or a child in the home where they live - and they don't know what to do with that repressed desire. They hold it back, yet fear acting on it. It becomes a "heartache", by their own assessment of the situation. Then, they end up alone and unsupervised with the child target, and then the child target becomes a child victim. All of this is completely preventable.

Most child sexual abusers buy into spiritually abusive doctrine on sexual purity, namely that all masturbation is a sin, and especially masturbation to thoughts of sex with children. This, all, when they should be masturbating and allowing sexual thoughts about the child that they have a crush on, and perhaps all the children that they are attracted to. All fathers have this attraction for their children, usually their daughters, and this causes them to become more distant come the teen years. 

The Greek root word denoting lust and inordinate affections in the New Testament is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, nor even sexual desire towards children. This word refers here to adult sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want from children, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Masturbation was seen in biblical times as purging unrequited lusts, in the form of a sex ritual intended to show sexual purity. 

I myself am a mentally disabled sex offender, meaning I used a developmental disability - autism - as an excuse for my abuse. I assumed people would understand my depraved and decadent, defiled sexual advances towards children. Toxic autistic abusers commit their depraved and decadent, defiled abuse on the surface, but aren't aware of the ramifications of their actions, usually in an entitled and defensive. I myself would have used "autism" as an excuse for abuse, hoping to gain sympathy. I used zig-zag grooming, meaning I didn't hate the parents that I wanted to ingratiate myself with in order to secure unlimited access to the child. The child victims put a stop to my advances every time, and rightfully so. I was a dating abuser of children, meaning I petitioned them to take me on a date with them, and they all declined me. Most of the time, all this is repressed. The abuser fights their urges to sexually abuse and violate their child target, until they can no longer, and then the repressed desire comes out sideways, making the child target a child victim.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators of children who sexually abuse and violate children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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