Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Pedophilic children: The center of the prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles

Many people these days support pedophiles and pedophile rights, but on the side. Most people who support pedophiles sympathize with sex offenders, thinking they are at the center of the hysteria. Most people don't understand who the truest victims of pedophile hysteria are - children with the disorder. All pedophiles were once children, and children with pedophilia are among the most at-risk children for serious forms of child abuse, including child sexual abuse.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia, contrary to popular belief, is not a narcissistic disorder. It is a form of sexual immaturity associated with autism, meaning most pedophiles have a form of immature autism where their age-oriented sexual development reflects their emotional immaturity. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children in terms of knowledge and social skills, meaning not only do most pedophiles harbor a lot of knowledge about children, but most pedophiles only want children to be their friend, and are shy and reticent around adults. A pedophile is usually geeky and eccentric in terms of personality, but in a child-centered way. When you meet someone with autism who can recite facts about child development and children in general, think pedophile.

Most pedophiles are victims of child abuse, with only 1 in 4 pedophiles committing sexual offenses against children as defined under the secular law. Most sexual offenders of children are not pedophiles, but instead are fornicators that oppress children, and groom pedophiles on the other side of them. Most sexual offenders of children are anti-pedophiles, not pedophiles. When an adult is trying to out every parent they meet as a pedophile, they themselves have something to hide.

Where did the prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles come from? Pedophile hysteria is a perversion of the Bible where abusive religious parents use the Bible as a tool for sexual shaming abuse of their pedophilic children. The passage most commonly used to sexually shame pedophilic children is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery already in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even to sexual desire for children. This word refers to, in the context of pedophilia, adult sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Taking the first steps to commit a sexual offense against a child is what is seen as the moral crime of adult sexual entitlement. The Early Church leadership recommended that anyone with a sexual attraction to a child follow the thought to the end using solo masturbation. Masturbation is how men in particular in biblical times dealt with unrequited lusts, including lusts towards children.

What do pedophilic children need in order to be protected from the prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles? Parents of pedophilic children should form a secure attachment with their children, in the form of attachment parenting. This means, in this context, allowing your child to talk to you about their pedophilia. This requires a specific type of parent-child bond where the child can talk to parents about anything and everything under the sun. Simply listen and validate when they talk about their attractions. You may find that when you allow them to talk about their attractions, they move on from focusing on their attractions. Be sure to allow your child to masturbate so that they can fantasize sexually about much younger children. This setup is healthy for them, as masturbation encapsulates a sex drive, including a sex drive towards children. 

I myself am a pedophile, and I had parents to talk to about my self-diagnosis since I was 16, when I first self-diagnosed as a pedophile. I am very fortunate that I have people to talk to regarding my pedophilia. Most pedophiles have nobody to talk to, at all. Their parents? Their parents are the last people they would open up to about their pedophilia. Most pedophiles tell friends or therapists about their pedophilia, and hope the other person would understand and not disown them. 

The children's rights movement, contrary to popular belief, does not hate pedophiles. We never really did. Pedophile hysteria is a strong sexual taboo that, at the same time, is low-level enough that no true pedophile wants to admit their condition, to anyone. This meant that only non-pedophilic sexual offenders called themselves pedophiles. The old way of dealing with child sexual abuse was that the first person to bring up pedophilia at all was the sexual abuser, and this kept pedophiles from admitting their condition to a mental health professional. Thus, the children's rights community created a misnomer to suck up all of the false pedophiles, and create room for the true pedophiles to flourish. This was done by turning a hidden prejudice into an open prejudice, so that one true pedophile could be motivated to disprove the hysteria once and for all, on children's rights soil. I myself have submitted my testimony, and so now all other pedophiles can use their self-diagnosis to tell their story of sexual shaming abuse.

There is growing support for non-offending pedophiles, with more and more parents allowing their pedophilic children to identify by their sexual preferences for much younger children. Pedophile acceptance is a sign of children's rights progress. Sweden is a world model for children's rights, and pedophiles are accepted in Sweden. Why is this? Adults treat known pedophiles the same way they naturally would treat children. Most people who support non-offending pedophiles here in the United States are progressive and anti-spanking, and this is because they are projecting their own children onto pedophiles. When a pedophile is fully accepted by non-pedophiles, they are seen as big kids to take care of. Parents who punish their children are more likely to punish pedophiles as well. Whenever a whole society turns on pedophiles, it is a bad sign for children's rights in that given country. America has an atrocious human rights record for children, and thus this translates onto pedophiles as an atrocious human rights record for pedophiles as well.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sexual offenders of children who blame pedophiles for the abuse they commit will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let the adult fornicators of children BURN in everlasting torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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