Thursday, October 6, 2022

Why not to prey on pedophiles

Many people think that there is a right way to deal with a sexual predator who is preying on a child - flip a lighter, and light a fire under their rear end. The idea that a lot of men use with child predators is preying on the predator, or offending them to provoke an offense, than offend the predator as they offend you, in a heated exchange. But, why get offended by a predator's antics in the first place?

My method of dealing with a child predator is called punitive forgiveness. A sexual predator of any sort has an offending personality that seeks to get a reaction out of people. So, why give them that reaction? This is a form of Amish-Mennonite profiling. The idea is not to get offended, and instead give the offender your silence.

Most predatory adults hate being ignored, and so they will crow louder and louder, in which case you swiftly disown them, all at once, turning them over to the authorities. The idea is to cross your arms and just let them throw a temper tantrum all over the place, and maybe jeer a few non-listening jeers, otherwise remaining silent.

This is the proper use of my Mennonite family values, in what we call "Mennonite patience". Being patient with predatory scum helps build patience, meaning God put them in that position in order to discipline the righteous judge, and chasten them up. I have learned through being falsely investigated as a form of police stalking how to keep my cool and withstand all odds when being berated by someone falsely interrogating me.

Why else do I recommend this? This method is more likely to expose a false positive (to use the anti-pedophile term - this page is decidedly pro-pedophile). Police stalking is often used against non-offending pedophiles, usually with them being children and girls at that, and with our current methods, we can't tell whether their offense is a true positive or a false positive, as a true positive can easily be replicated, and many pedophiles replicate it nonetheless as a form of reverse gaslighting. Usually, police stalking is a distant family member using the police as a behavioral intervention for a pedophilic child, usually falsely representing themselves in terms of relation to children, and falsely profiling the child. What happens is that relatives and those surrounding the pedophilic child use reverse grooming tactics on the victim, but fail to realize that the pedophile is a CHILD. No child ceases to be a child due to a psychiatric label.

In return, I recommend that pedophiles don't feign a true positive, especially if they are under age 18. Instead, withstand all odds, and allow for anti-pedophile insults to roll right off your back, because they are intended to offend the pedophile. So, why as a pedophile should I waste my breath getting offended when a predatory individual wants me to get offended? Isn't that caving to the abuser? I just clamp my mouth shut, and zip it up, and then I let them scream at the top of their lungs "get mad!". Every abuser of pedophiles gives up after a while, and many times, when they give up, they believe me eventually! I can only do that because I actually, believe it or not, have zero entitlement in relation to children, meaning I shed it all with my hard work in improving myself.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators of children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into a Hell of fire and torrents! Repent!

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