Thursday, October 6, 2022

Why evil can exist in anyone - including the developmentally disabled (understanding mentally disabled sex offenders)

Many people were sexually abused as children. Quite a few were sexually abused by a mentally disabled abuser. Most people excuse that sort of abuse, claiming that the individual with the mental disability "couldn't help it". Other people, who have survived such abuse, say that evil can exist in anyone. I myself am a survivor that believe that evil not only can exist in anyone, but it exists in the sinful heart of all adults. But, someone who has a developmental disability such as autism generally cannot harbor a narcissist, if they are genuinely autistic.

Do individuals who are genuinely autistic by the diagnostic criteria abuse children sexually? Yes, they often do, and they are capable of learning right from wrong in that context of their life. I myself, however, was not a narcissist when I offended against children as a child as an adult. I was a very excusable abuser, and most everyone looked the other way when I sexually fixated on girls as young as 9. However, the abuse can be corrected.

Mentally disabled sex offenders are not narcissists, but sociopaths. A sociopath is disorganized and emotionally volatile. A mentally disabled sexual abuser is volatile by being obsessive about a specific child, meaning they shower the child with lavish attention, usually as a means of flirting, and then, when they get the opportunity, they rape and sexually assault a child victim, usually during a sleepover. 

It is well-known that mentally disabled sexual abusers don't know any better. But, how are we going to teach them better? They are usually very resistant to change of any kind, including changing their habits around children. A common autistic attitude is seeing yourself as the center of the world, in a way that everyone else is at fault, and you are never at fault, because "I am a good person". I've been in that arrogant place. Most mentally disabled sexual abusers are not narcissists, but instead are entitled victims, meaning they are always the victim in their own eyes, when in fact the child is the victim.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators of children who sexually abuse children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descent into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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