Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Why we should care about the religious child abuse of pedophilic children

Many people, when they think of pedophiles, think criminals, namely the stereotype of the narcissistic jerk who preys on children and wins them over. Many people hate pedophiles with a passion, but most people don't know what, or rather who, a pedophile is - otherwise, they wouldn't hate them.

Where are the pedophiles? Think autism. Think a form of autism that involves high sensitivity. When that high sensitivity is centered on children, think pedophile. Pedophilia is a mental health disorder involving primary or exclusive sexual preference for children under age 14. It exists in a subset of the autism population that cannot relate to same-age peers or adults, but can relate to children in an empathic way. This highly sensitive empathy, however, comes at the cost of sexual attraction to children. Children with this form of autism usually trail around much younger children, and instinctively know how to interact with them, but have no friends at school their own age - and usually, they are satisfied having no friends their own age. Some pedophiles are narcissists, but most pedophiles are vulnerable victims with autism that will only be able to relate to young children. I myself enjoy solitude most of the time, but it would be nice to be friends with a young girl.

There is a mental health stigma against pedophilia as a whole. Children with pedophilia have to face the stigma while having another strike against them - childism/adultism. The mental health stigma against pedophiles does not come from trauma survivors, but is a religious stigma coming from spiritually abusive parents and pastors who deny pedophiles their right to their own body in terms of masturbation and sexual fantasy about children. A common passage used against pedophilic children is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman in order to look after her hath committed adultery in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and does not refer to mere sexual desires for children, but instead sexual desire to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child, with the very first step being rationalization that the act itself is okay. It is okay to think the think, but it is not okay to do the deed. 

Unfortunately, many pedophilic children live in a religious prison where they are punished merely for having thoughts of much younger children, usually by eavesdropping and lurching. If the child even dares to disclose their condition, they get kicked to the curb like trash. 

The hysteria surrounding pedophilia ultimately comes from the same people that our children's rights community opposes - religious abusive parents who pervert God's Word and Law to oppress and abuse their children, controlling their sexuality, and punishing their pedophilic children for being themselves and being pedophiles.

Why should we care about these children? Usually, it is the child you'd least expect, but once you hear their whole story, it makes perfect sense. Most pedophiles are not pedophile narcissists, meaning it is not a narcissistic desire. Most pedophiles have mild-moderate autism, of the "exist" type, meaning they are capable of empathy, but in a specialized way. Autism is where an individual specializes all their skills in one area. When someone with autism specializes all their skills in children's issues, think pedophile. Some children with autism have a gift for children, and that is conflated with their pedophilia. Shouldn't a child like that be seen as having a gift for children first, then pedophilia second? Shouldn't a non-offending, non-contact pedophile be able to work with children and be friends with children? Chances are, they only have the social skills to relate to children, and are lost when it comes to adult relationships and friendships. Usually, a pedophile isn't the clingy type of autistic person, but instead is very distant with adults, and sits on the periphery of social gatherings. Most of them care about everyone, and humanize everyone, but only from afar. They, however, relate to children up close and naturally just "get" children. Ultimately, they empathize with children at their developmental level, as they are emotionally immature and their sexual preferences reflect that. 

I myself am fortunate to have all the support that I have. I have a mother to talk to about this, a therapist, and a whole community here at children's rights. Combined with my Christian beliefs, my support system helped me cope with sexually entitled tendencies towards children. Many, but not all, pedophilic children are socially awkward around children, to the point of flirting or being pushy. I was one of THOSE pedophiles. Other pedophiles just click with children, and the children love them. I can be that type of pedophile now, but not then, when I had an excited crush on several young girls. Today, I just like being around children, and like to check out the young girls. I don't need them to even acknowledge me. I just look, but don't touch, and otherwise leave them live their lives as they wish.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators who sexually abuse children, then blame pedophiles, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! They will BURN in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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