Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Religious child abuse against pedophilic children: Why we should care

Many parents assume that pedophiles are the people that are abusing children out there, and that all blame lies on the pedophile. The belief is that we need to "protect children from pedophiles". What if the pedophile is a child?

I myself am attracted to children, and have not repressed it one bit. I find pedophile girls to be especially attractive, once found out, in an affinity way. I do have a self-interest in this arena as well, but I do not want to punish a pedophilic child for their desires for much younger children. But, I know that if I was a repressed pedophile, I would be driven to punish such a child.

Pedophilia is a mental health disorder involving sexual attraction to children under age 14. The disorder is genetic, and is in the same genetic family of disorders as autism and other developmental delays, with the arrest in emotional development causing hormonal imbalances leading to the onset of pedophilia. Most pedophiles are aware of their desires by their mid-teens, sometimes earlier. There is a growing crisis for these children. Pedophiles rarely abuse children, and pedophilic children are at high risk for suffering parental abuse and alienation. 

True abuse of pedophiles rarely is trauma-related, but is instead rooted in abusive religious doctrine. One major religious trigger for pedophiles is Matthew 5:27-30 KJV:
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman in order to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body be cast into Hell.

"Members" refers not merely to body parts, but parts of the human soul, as understood by people in the context in which this was given. Christ here is simply talking about sexual harassment, not simply looking at an attractive child or even fantasizing about an attractive child. The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo). This word does not refer to mere desires for children, but instead adult sexual entitlement, or sexual want for a child to the point of approaching said child sexually. 

Masturbation to sexual fantasies of children was recommended by clergy in the Early Church for pedophiles who had a sexual attraction to their children. Today, this context can apply to pedophilic children, meaning children who are attracted to much younger children.

The most common abuse of pedophiles committed by parents of pedophilic children is parents stomping all over fantasies, interrupting masturbation sessions, and other forms of sexual shaming abuse. Parents seem to know, even before the child does, that the child is headed towards being a pedophile, and then they punish masturbation sessions and read children verses in the Bible as a form of sexual shaming abuse.

Why should we care about pedophilic children? Usually, it is the child you'd least expect, but in a way that makes sense once you get to know the child fully. Usually, they have a form of autism where empathy is specialized on children. "Exist" autism is a form of autism involving strong, highly sensitive empathy that is directed at a specific group of people. When that group of people is children, think pedophile. Most pedophiles today are not repressed, and are aware of their condition on the surface, thus they have a gift of seeing right into children and being able to understand and predict their behavior, but their highly sensitive empathy is conflated in a bittersweet way by a sex drive towards children. Hence, these children know that preying on much younger children is wrong, yet they still feel sexually towards them. Child-centered autism is a form of autism where you can pretty much tell that they are a pedophile, as child-centered autism involves preferring children as friends over adults. Children with this form of autism have serious deficits in relating to same-age peers or adults, but, on the other hand, have clear strengths and gifts in interacting with children. Most with autism are animal-oriented in their empathy, meaning they don't get people, period, and would rather spend their time around animals, and there might be a sexual reason for that as well. 

I myself am a pedophile, and wore the label since I was 16. I first told my mother, and she thought I would grow out of it. I told a therapist, and she thought the same thing. But, when they figured out that I would never grow out of it, they accepted me despite it because I was working on it, and choosing not to abuse children. I did abuse children sexually, but in the form of sexual harassment, and that triggered an investigation - the police assumed the worst, in a corrupt way, but thankfully it was only sexual harassment that the children could forgive. What helped me improve to the point that I am today is simply having people to talk to about my disorder. That's all a pedophile needs most of the time. Maybe I needed to be a conservative Christian for the aversion therapy benefits, but not everyone is going to believe in nor accept Christ. The key tell-tale sign of my pedophilia to the world is the fact that I would rather be friends with children, in a way that allows for them to boss me around, and drag me around like a human ragdoll. Most fathers were that passive with their children in biblical times, meaning they melted for their children.

The religious abusers of children who prey on pedophilic children and alienate them will not inherit the Kingdom of God, and will suffer in everlasting Hell and torrents! Repent!

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