Sunday, June 26, 2022

Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children: Why ALL adults are to blame for child sexual abuse

Many adults think that pedophiles are the sole cause of child sexual abuse. All rapes and sexual assaults of children are blamed on pedophiles, by the media and the public at large, whether the offender was clinically a pedophile or not. But, the fact of the matter is that we all as adults are capable of sexually abusing a child, if the conditions allow for it.

Pedophilia is a mental health disorder featuring primary or exclusive sexual attraction to children under age 14. The disorder is genetic in nature, and is associated with autism genetically, meaning it is a trait found commonly in people with autism. It is a special type of autism where empathy and social skills are specialized around children and children's issues, including children's rights issues. Most pedophiles are highly sensitive at least towards children, but may be distant or even callous towards same-age peers. It is a form of autism where tending to children is their second nature, with this being conflated strongly with sexual fantasies about children under age 14. I myself don't want friends who are adults, meaning I don't seek out friends my own age. Left to my own devices, I would only be friends with children. I myself am a pedophile. Most pedophiles are loners because they can't have children as a romantic partner, and don't find friendships with adults to be fulfilling. This is different from a child molester, who generally has access to children in some way, whereas pedophiles usually just dream of access to children.

Every single adult is guilty for the child sexual abuse epidemic, even if only a few are partaking. This is because all adults have the capacity to sexually abuse a child under the right/wrong conditions. That doesn't mean every single adult will. What leads to an adult sexually abusing a child? Location, location, location, mixed with entitlement. Adults who sexually abuse children usually prefer enclosed and/or secluded areas to abuse their children, usually the bathroom or the child's bedroom. Usually, the adult is left alone with the child, and is attracted to the child at some level, and is unprepared for being left alone with the child. Guilty conscience then leads to the choice to sexually harass, assault, or rape a child, usually out of nowhere in the eyes of the victim.

What should an adult do when they notice that they are sexually attracted to children? Instead of fighting the thoughts back, allow yourself to have such thoughts about children. Most men in particular have sexual thoughts about teenage girls, and those thoughts should not be pushed out of an adult man's head, but instead, adults should be allowed to feel sexual attraction to teenagers. This includes adult women towards teenage boys or girls. Adult sexual entitlement comes in two forms, adult sexual repression and adult sexual embrace. The former form is most common in the United States. When you repress a sex drive, it comes out sideways, with consent usually lacking.

In the New Testament of the Bible, the Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to just any sexual desire for children, but sexual desire to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child sexually, with the very first step being rationalizing that sex with children is okay under certain terms, or will be okay in a future context. It is okay to look the look, or think the think, but it is not okay to do the deed and sexually abuse a child out of a God-ordained marriage, with no child marriage being God-ordained.

I myself have abused a child sexually. It happened in two main locations - a swimming area in my hometown of Reading, Pennsylvania, as well as an attic in my grandparents' house. One location, the attic, is closed off, with the house sold. With the swimming area, I had to unlearn the imprint on the location. My moral crimes involved sexual harassment in the form of antisocial "flirting". The statute of limitations is 90 days for summary harassment, which is what I committed. At the swimming area, I would wave flirtatiously at young girls, sometimes leading them astray, sometimes offending them. In the attic, I would roughhouse with sexually entitled intent. In both cases, I was a correctable abuser, meaning every time I was explicitly corrected, I obeyed. But, because of the damages involved, there was abuse in those interactions, and that's how I count myself as one of the plethora of adults that have abused children. Some of those times, I was still a child chronologically, but was the adult in the situation due to the age imbalance. This is a common story among pedophilic adults, meaning pedophilic adults might be inclined to lesser forms of abuse than non-pedophilic adults, but with all of us adults committing abuse of some kind against children.

All adults are capable of sexual abuse. The idea is to admit to what you have done to wrong or abuse children, meaning your adult footprint. Also, gauge your adult capacity to commit future crimes. Adult change of heart should be a moment of atonement, where the adult turns away from a life of abusing children, thereby earning their right to exist on this earth. Adults, by default, do not deserve even to exist on this earth, and are deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT for their depraved and entitled sin nature. Certain adults will earn their right to exist, and thus will cease to exist as adults deserving of punishment for their existence. One should assume all adults have the right to exist, until the adult shows their existence, in which case they are non-existent for existing with sin and entitlement. If you sexually abuse a child, and defend it, you are entitled as an adult and have proven your existence, and thus have no right to exist. Only existent adults are marked for deletion. Non-existent adults are marked for salvation. Only a few parents/adults will be marked as non-existent by our Creator, with the rest existent and deserving of burning for eternity in Hell.

The hysteria against pedophiles ultimately comes from the abusers themselves, meaning adults who find themselves in a sexual abuse habit often deflect the blame onto everyone around them, and pedophiles are an easy target for deflection due to their attraction to children, which can be mistaken for an abuser, when most pedophiles are VICTIMS of crime and abuse, not abusers themselves. Some pedophiles commit acts of sexual harassment as a child/adult towards much younger children, usually loitering or unlawful flirting. Most flat out rapes or sexual assaults against children, however, are committed by ordinary adults who find themselves in a sexual abuse habit, usually in a sexually repressed environment. Pedophiles only account for a handful of child sexual abuse cases, with the rest of the cases being committed by repressed opportunists.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who sexually assault and rape children, then blame pedophiles, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them BURN in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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