Sunday, May 1, 2022

Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Many people think protecting children from sexual abuse is about keeping down a group of people, with the threat existing "over there". This setup of sexual abuse education pits the blame on a small group of people, instead of everyone pitching in. The fact of the matter is that every single adult is guilty of being capable of the moral crime of sexually abusing a child, at least in some situation.

Every single adult is sexually attracted to children under age 18 at some level. Most men are attracted to teenagers at some level, usually teenage girls. About a quarter of men have sexual fantasies about children in their late prepubescent years. A lot of adults there have sexual needs for a group of people that cannot possibly fulfill that need.

How does sexual abuse happen? Pure choice, on the locational level, just like rape and sexual assault that is adult-on-adult in nature. First, what happens is that an adult is alone with a child that they are attracted to. They either are unprepared for such a situation and/or ignorant to the harm they are inflicting on their child - usually a combination of the two. At some point, they make the rash decision to sexually assault or rape a child. Whenever a sexual act happens, the male brain imprints on the location for future reference, and from there, the perpetrator is acclimated to the environment where the abuse occurs. Usually, perpetrators like enclosed locations to abuse children.

I myself am a depraved and entitled adult, and I have committed my share of offense against a child. I committed the moral crime of antisocial "flirt" while acclimated to flirt with young girls at the public swimming area that I frequented. I also would, on another branch of my abuser history, be sexually exploratory with my cousin, and associated my grandparents' attic to be a safe place to do so. That was until my cousin set a boundary that ended the trail of incidents, which ranged from simple sexual exploration in the form of wrestling and roughhousing, or else using my cousin as a "jungle gym". Both trails of incidents happened when I was confronted by the child, in which case I was startled enough not to go there with them again.

Many people blame sex crime victims for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Why was the abuser even there? I was stopped, and from there was compelled by Christian conviction to reel back on my advances, so I practically could be in both locations and not have the urge, but depending on how severe the abuse was (what I committed might be considered mild), you may just have to flee the location altogether. Every single adult can get into a trap where they develop a sexual abuse habit, especially men, but also women (especially with children in their late teens). This habit can be stopped like any abuse habit. 

Pedophilia exists within a parent, meaning you need a parent to have a pedophile. A parent, in the brain, consists of a lobe consisting of two instincts encased in an encasement. Sexual and physical aggression are both primal ways that parents controlled their children. They exist in all adults, and the idea is to deny these base needs to control a child. This can be done by arming yourself with proper information about childhood development. An adult attracted to children who knows child development thoroughly does not molest children. Sexual fantasy about children turns the control instincts inwards, so that they are reliant on a different, self-directed input, rather than a flesh and blood child.

Inspiration for not abusing a child can be found in Colossians 3:5-7 KJV:

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In which ye also walked some time, and lived in them.

This passage alone bans child sexual abuse, by mention of the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to the slightest of sexual contact perceived by the child. The Greek root word denoting adult sexual entitlement, and translated "inordinate affections", is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to sexual fantasy about children, but wanting sexual relations with children to the point of taking the first steps to get there. When you find yourself taking the first steps to approach a child as an adult, STOP what you are doing. Remember that if you make contact with the child with that intent, even by real-time visage, you are defiled, meaning unclean until the even, meaning sexually impure. But, if you have successfully stopped yourself, you have committed no sin, as the sin is defending such entitlement, not having it. 

In the Early Church, elders and deacons both recommended to pedophilic men that they fantasize about children instead of go towards their child directly. Most men in biblical times were pedophiles, but the abstinent type. Only abstinent pedophilia was accepted then, and it was the norm among pedophiles. Most men were attracted to their own children, usually older daughters, yet very few sexually abused their children, and if they were caught doing it, they were excommunicated from the church. Excommunication basically was seen as a form of death in any church member, with such vile and decadent acts incurring bloodlust, even among men who had pedophilic inclinations. It was seen as a choice, not an urge. "They can't help it" would have been seen as an excuse then.

Adults can help whether they abuse a child, by any mode of abuse. But, are they motivated to learn ways of preventing abusive habits within themselves? Again, any adult can be a sexual abuser under the right/wrong conditions. The first line of defense is simply avoiding appointments where you are alone with a child, especially one you are attracted to. 95% of child sexual abuse occurs when an adult is alone unsupervised with a child. Also, adults largely ignore their sex needs towards children until they get alone with a child. Indeed, adults who work with children are actually much more at risk of children than adults who only have access to their own children. Why not spark a fantasy about a child? 

When you repress any thought, it controls you. Sexual thoughts about children are no different. If you just allow yourself to think those thoughts, you will be able to control them easier. They will just flow right through you, and the attraction itself will cease to be a hassle. It will actually strengthen your resolve to not sexually abuse children. Every single adult has that side of them - so just allow yourself to go there and think nothing of it. You know it is wrong to do in real life, right? Most adults know that. What you are doing is satisfying a sexual need that can't be satisfied anywhere else. Most sexual abuse occurs in sexually repressed environments. Just let yourself have those thoughts, and don't worry about it, even if your own child becomes the subject of a fantasy, no matter what the fantasy is. I'm sure that if I got in anyone's brain and searched their thoughts, I might be offended by some things, but that's why we separate fantasy from reality.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators of children will BURN in everlasting Hell-fire, suffering the second death! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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