Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Adult attraction to children: Individual responsibility to prevent child sexual abuse

Many adults think only a few people are guilty for child sexual abuse - pedophiles. Sexual abuse prevention in the United States has long been about blaming a few people "over there" who are "predestined to abuse a child". We are now finding the Truth - nobody is predestined to abuse a child in any way, especially sexually. In the past few years, several parent lobby children's charities have accepted this fundamental Truth. More and more people are waking up and seeing that pedophiles aren't the ones molesting children - we all are doing it as adults.

Child sexual abuse is abuse on the aside, not the main intergenerational line, but its harm is the most noted in the media. Surely, though, there are other forms of abuse just as bad - I endured it, and it was excused by law. All adults are guilty for their existence in relation to children, since all adults have the capacity to abuse or wrong a child under the right/wrong conditions. 

How do you understand sexual abuse of children? Location, location, location. Also, a choice to abuse a child sexually. A sexually abusive adult will find themselves alone with a child they are attracted to, usually while not wanting to acknowledge the attraction. They are pulled, pulled, and then pulled some more, thinking they have no choice, thinking they have no self-control. Then, they dream up some biblical excuse, and then they sexually assault or rape a child. Why was the perpetrator even there? Why was the perpetrator drinking? Why was the perpetrator doing so many drugs? Why didn't the perpetrator just take the attraction elsewhere, like a gentleman would? Why did he/she have to act like such a depraved savage?

Being attracted to anyone or anything is not a sin, as attractions are unchosen. Acting on any attraction outside of marriage, including with a child, is a sin. It says in Colossians 3:5-7 KJV:

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.

The Greek root word translated "inordinate affection" denotes adult sexual entitlement, and is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to sexual desire for children to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child sexually, and this leads to adult fornication or child sexual abuse, which is denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia), with this Greek root word referring to when adult sexual entitlement is perceived by the child, especially in terms of perceived sexual contact.

Note what is absent in the abovementioned paragraph - a prohibition on masturbation. The Early Church deacons and elders actually recommended sexual fantasy for a child through masturbation for pedophiles. In biblical society, pedophilia was normalized, but only in abstinent format. Most men were attracted to their children. However, even coarse jesting about children was seen as impure speech. One had to speak about their desires in a clinical celebratory manner that gave thanks.

All adults are capable of sexually abusing a child under the right/wrong conditions. So, what can YOU do as a responsible adult so that you don't sexually abuse a child? First, gauge your risk. The closer you are to children, the greater your risk, especially if you are male, and even more so if the children are pubescent in terms of sexual development. Gauge your risk, and then stay far away from it. 

Prepare yourself for an emergency situation by not repressing sexual thoughts about children, and allowing yourself to think them. If you repress anything, including something like sexual thoughts about children, it will control you, and guide your actions. Thus, when you repress sexual desires for children instead of allow yourself to feel them, you are actually more likely to sexually abuse a child when you are alone with an attractive child. Most sexual abusers of children were not prepared for the situation they were in, and then they acted on opportunity, not knowing they had a choice in the matter. It is a state of learned helplessness, where they simultaneously deny how they feel and think they have no choice in the matter. 

For the menfolk reading this, we will now do a thought experiment. Imagine a teenage girl. Imagine her with a tank top and short shorts on. Imagine you are alone with her, and you are her teacher - think teacher detention. What is your first thought? That is what is so crucial about sexual abuse prevention - and if you didn't want to think anything, YOU, sir, are part of the problem. Think that sexual thought, and run with it straight to your bedroom, and keep doing it until you know how stupid it is to do anything sexual with her in real life. Chances are, at least towards the end of practice, it should just be a relief. It is called thought re-channeling - that is how you re-channel sexual thoughts. For women, this should work in some cases with teenage boys.

A pedophile is simply a parent with sexual aggression features on the surface (and usually no physical aggression feature). A parent is attached to the adult, and is a bunch of wires encased in an encasement. There is always two components to parental aggression - parent anger and parent attraction. Parent attraction is repressed usually, and comes out in certain situations, usually when the child is bathing. Usually, fathers in particular notice signs of puberty, and fight back against any sexual connotations they may attach to it. A pedophile simply is at another level of parent - they have no choice but to acknowledge sexual desire, due to the surface-level nature of their sexually aggressive thread. The idea is to masturbate to sexual fantasy about children to bring your pedophilic desires to the surface, where they can more easily be countered with information about why sexual abuse is wrong, which is then absorbed in the encasement of the parent.

I myself avoid any interaction with children, sexual or otherwise, lest I get my wires crossed when talking to a young girl. If interaction is necessary, I interact on formal terms, limiting interaction, and showing them a cautious facade. When the child invites me to have a more casual conversation, I then talk more casually about what the child wants to talk about. I save the "did you know?" gaslighting I know I am capable of for my mother. Usually, though, I only engage in interaction towards children, if at all, on more formal terms, meaning sticking to formalities and keeping conversation sparse. I am now afraid to interact with a child, but in a healthy way, meaning I know there are dangers if I start flirting with her, and so I avoid it. I also masturbate to thoughts of children, and enjoy it, to the point where I don't need the real thing anymore. I can just whip it out, and do it on my own, and the imagined imagery is enough. Usually, I am more attracted to a child later, meaning when I get home, and not in the moment when they are there.

I used to abuse children sexually, in the form of sexual harassment. I would wave flirtatiously at children, and get acclimated to that behavior at a semi-public swimming area near me. I would also follow children around, out of sexual attraction to them. I had to learn to become un-acclimated to the swimming area, and just look. This is what I have done to contribute to the collective victimization of children, and thus I am undeserving of the trust and concern I am receiving from my victims. Every single child is my victim given that I am the depraved and entitled adult that I am.

Pedophilia doesn't have much to do with my choices - pedophilia is simply a mental disorder an adult can acquire, usually starting in late childhood. The problem, ultimately, is the choice an adult makes to sexually violate or harass a child, and that choice often comes from poor sexual self-care and being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, in a way that makes the abuser responsible for even being there. There is no excuse - a man especially can simply voice their preference not to be alone with a child if they are in a capacity where they work with children, and there are alternate reasons that work as well. Sexually abusing a child is a choice, not an urge that a man is "helpless" to. Pedophiles are most hated by religious abusive parents who sexually abuse their pedophilic children through sexual shaming, and so pedophiles cannot be scapegoated for the very abuse they suffer from their own parents.

Every single adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children. All adults are capable of child sexual abuse under the right/wrong conditions, and we as adults have repeatedly and incessantly abused and wronged children since time immemorial. Think peacekeeping and colonialism.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators of children who sexually harass, assault, and/or rape children will BURN in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent! 


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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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