Friday, April 8, 2022

Pro-social formal/informal: How to deal with parent attraction (and all parental entitlement)

Many people believe that parent attraction should not exist. The fact of the matter is that pedophilia exists in every single adult at some level. As a child advocate, I profile all adults, as all adults constitute my collective abuser. Being abused as a child by adults, I can tell you that all adults have it in them to sexually abuse a child.

Men in the Bible were attracted to their children, and this is due to attachment parenting norms lowering the level of attachment down to equality, which brings out the parent attraction in both fathers and mothers to varying degrees. Mothers were not aware of it, whereas fathers were aware of it. Sexually abusing a child, for any reason, was seen in the Bible as wicked and evil, and so pedophilic desires had to be controlled. Treating relationships with one's child as a formal affair was a key way of how primary prevention of child sexual abuse was done in Ancient Israel and the Early Church. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. This means, in the realm of pedophilia, that a child FEELS completely safe, meaning they aren't KEPT safe. Think like an umbrella, with you as the parent or adult holding the umbrella, and children rest in safety next to you, safe from the cold and rain. The idea is to be grateful for the rest and safety of one's child, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others. If you are an attachment parenting father, allow for your child to vent to you, but don't vent to your child, and many of you know what reasons are behind this pro-social shyness around children. With mothers, this commandment requires the use of attachment parenting methods of bonding with children, such as skin-to-skin closeness, breastfeeding, and co-sleeping. Mothers need to attach with love, and fathers need to detach with love, meaning fathers who are attracted to their children in an attachment parenting setting should default to the mother and allow her to provide nourishment and sustenance for children, and keep his distance from children, allowing children to come to him, and on their terms, instead of seeking out interaction that could be sexually motivated. This means do not even speak to children without their court approval, and leave everything to mothers. Mothers should co-sleep with children during this stage of immersion to guard children from their father, especially in the first 6 years of the child's life, and also quite many years afterwards. Teenagers should also be invited to co-sleep with mothers to protect her from her father's sexual self-interest. Sexual predators that lurk in homes pick isolated locations, not crowded locations, to sexually harass, assault or rape their victims.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or abuse, including child abuse. This refers to the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, or in the case of child sexual abuse, the slightest of sexual contact or obscenity perceived by the child under the age of majority, meaning fornication, as denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia). This passage also prohibits all punishment of children, as the Apostle Paul was anti-spanking and anti-(child) punishment. The Apostle Paul here was writing to a group of Greek Christians who kept the pagan tradition of spanking children for behaviors deemed impure, whereas Christian law prohibited all punishment or controlling demeanor against a child, with the rod verses in Proverbs referring not to a biblical spanking, but to the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, which was an archaic form of judicial corporal punishment prescribed to criminals, with courts subpoenaing their fathers to whip their ADULT sons with the allotted amount of lashes. None of this punishment was ever used in the Early Church, with most law in the Early Church being carried out by way of pro-social non-association. Anything that offends the child or threatens her, by her perceptions, is child abuse according to God's Law. All valid offenses come from entitlement, meaning any want imposed on a child.

However, it is not okay even to give in to the appearance of sin or impropriety, meaning when the opportunity to sin appears to you, flee from it. See 1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV:

Abstain all appearance of evil.

The Greek root word translated "appearance" is εἶδος (Latin: eidous) and refers here to "form" or "shape", as indicated by the context. This means avoid any infraction that could lead to offense being perceived by the child, with the infraction being decided by individual conviction. One piece of good advice is to avoid informal, idle chatter with a child as an attracted father to them. Do not speak to your children until spoken to by them, and even then, keep the interaction formal, until you are invited by the child to engage in informal conversation.

Speech itself is an entitlement for any adult in relation to children, not just pedophiles. We all want to tell children things, but sometimes, the adult just needs to shut up, and needs the good Lord to shut them up. Once you are completely shut up in the Lord, you have put to bed the lowest level of your entitlement - parental entitlement. This starts by choosing not to speak to a child out of turn, meaning when the child has not called on you, you are to remain silent. When the child speaks to you, keep the interaction brief and formal, unless the child invites you to engage in informal discourse, which should be about what THEY are interested in. A good, pro-social parent to a child can always find room to be interested in what their child is interested in.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement, and cross-referencing the Tenth Commandment, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers officially to parental entitlement, or wanting things from or of children, to the point of imposition. Unofficially, this refers to anything wanted from a child, meaning all want directed towards a child. Don't we all want things from children? It is not good to want things from children. A child owes me nothing, and if a child owes you anything by your standard, you are entitled, to the degree that you think that the child owes you things.

The depraved and decadent, defiled parents who impose fornication onto their child will not inherit the Kingdom of God! The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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