Monday, January 10, 2022

"Guilty until proven innocent": Proper righteous self-judgment

Many parents think only pedophiles mean harm to children, and that the rest of society means well around children. This is a common fallacy among parents and adults in general. The proper way for an adult to judge themselves in a Christian society is by presuming guilt in their intent towards children.

It says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The phrase "righteous judgment" refers to a man's judgment on his neighbor, as understood then. Righteous judgment means the traditional way of judging others in ancient Jewish society, and it was called that then. Righteous judgment had two windows, inward towards oneself and outwards towards the world. One judged themselves as guilty until proven innocent, and presumed innocence in others.

Parental entitlement is denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers officially to wanting things from children to the point of imposition, or wanting sexual relations from children to the point of taking the first steps to get there in the case of adult sexual entitlement. The goal, however, is not to want anything from a child. The idea is to presume that you do not mean well in relation to children with tick-tock application. The idea is to look for anything that would incriminate your motives in relation to children, such as searching honestly for entitlement in relation to a specific child, in order to rule ALL of the entitlement out as a possibility, and if you possess one shred of entitlement in relation to a child, you are not free to associate with that child, and must shun yourself from that child, being shamefaced and guilty in your stance, seeking to eliminate entitlement towards a child. I do this to the level of speech with children, waiting for a child to "break the ice". I approach children in a very formal way, waiting for them to invite me to informal discussion and play, in which case I let my guard down because the child has determined my safety, and I trust children over anyone else concerning my risk. I go by the child's perceptions as to if I am safe in the moment with them, not any parent or adult. I allow children to decide for themselves if I am safe. I am distant from most children in the community, but most just ignore me. Children can perceive sexual threats on their own, if you let them, and I let them with me and other adults they may confide into adults about. 

All adults should be strict like this with themselves, as this also teaches children how to be strict with themselves. Children's rights is a tool you impose on yourself, and involves admission of one's depraved sin nature in relation to children. Parental entitlement is a personal struggle, and thus, unless someone is defending entitlement to your face or out in the open, you should focus on yourself as an adult and your own risk. This involves putting your own sin guilt first, while keeping an eye on your neighbor to make sure they aren't entitled with children. This is called individual responsibility, meaning individuals are responsible for gauging their own entitlement, and ideally wanting nothing from children. I myself am undeserving of even the respect children have shown me lately. Individual responsibility is putting self-improvement above judging others.

I myself am a pedophile, and practice my want avoidance by avoiding the more benign wants attached to the antisocial want. I have found I am more of an opportunist, so I avoid the opportunity to abuse a child, and every step leading up to the abuse. God will judge me, at this point, on this, if I offend a child in any way. The goal is to avoid offense by going as far from the line as possible. I don't visit children I am attracted to unless my motives are pure, which they presumably never are, and thus meet up with children at a neutral location such as a public swimming pool. Before, I abused children through antisocial "flirt" at the pool, but now I can cut myself some slack on that because I have learned the boundaries.

The legal equation for a moral crime under Christian law is entitlement leading to theft. The way it works is that once an offense is declared, everything that the defendant did leading up to the time of the crime was called into question. Thus, before the fact, it is good to presume guilt beforehand, so nobody has to convict you of guilt afterwards. An accident was determined by an immediate apology, which could be the case with physical battery, where two people brush into each other and then one person apologizes. But, you cannot accidentally rape another person, with few exceptions that should not exist.

I myself was convicted of fornication by a child in a divine court of law once in 2017. What was I doing wrong? Looking at her, with intent to grab her attention and flirt with her. That shock taught me to make amends with children, and not look to them with any sexually entitled intent, even at the level of flirting.

Most parents could do better in some way, making most parents entitled in some way. Deadly entitlement is defended entitlement, and it often leads to theft, meaning an offense against another person or God. Every time you lash out at your child, your child's cries or voiced resentment are concrete evidence of an offense against a child, meaning child abuse. Learn from the mistake, and make amends to them not to be so controlling, and presume guilt in yourself to that degree. We all as adults could learn how to treat children with more respect. 

A parent/adult's level of risk towards a child is determined by their entitlement levels, and that is determined by how easily offended they are throughout their lives, meaning if they easily get defensive or offended about everything, they are entitled. If they lash out at children at all in a habitual way, they are entitled. Christ gave the command to turn the other cheek for a reason - so we could gaze across the landscape and see which adults are entitled in relation to children. I picture an outstretched stophand or pointer-finger towards children, and then we know who the bad guys and gals are in relation to children.

The depraved and entitled parents/fornicators will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them BURN in the lake of fire and torment forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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