Monday, December 13, 2021

Biblical pedophiles: How pedophilia was seen in biblical times

Many adults in today's society do not want to be seen as pedophiles, even if they are pedophiles, due to stigma attached to the mental disorder and identifying by the label. Much of today's social systems align with the biblical context. However, pedophilia was seen as just like any other attraction in the Early Christian light, but one of the ones that remained unrequited.

The Greek root word denoting fornication is πορνεία (Latin: porneia). It does not refer to pedophilia, but to sexual entitlement imposed on others. Pedophilia is the sexual thought or attraction towards children. Fornication involves sexual entitlement, and such entitlement is only fornication if it is perceived by the other person, meaning either welcome or unwelcome sexual perception. Fornication refers specifically to sexual contact with others, meaning there must be another party involved, and they must perceive your intent, like warm air being breathed down your neck. For a pedophile, adult fornication, at the very least, would be leering at a child in a way that makes her feel uncomfortable.

In biblical times, every adult who was sexually attracted to children, meaning a pedophile then, was expected to admit to it once questioned, and was expected to be sex-positive enough in their condition to nod and answer "yes, I am" with forthright honesty. I am a pedophile, yet I have a healthy enough conditioning that I would just answer "yes" when asked if I am a pedophile. I also leave hints out there so people can tell, as a form of pro-social honesty, such as looking respectfully at young girls and checking them out.

It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to a provocation to anger, meaning offenses against children. Any self-defilement next to children is also an offense, meaning any sexual contact with children, meaning any intent perceived by the child as coming toward them at the very least, usually making the child uncomfortable. It is involving another person with your sexual entitlement, including a child. If a child can feel your sexual attachment to them, meaning the sexual aspect, that is fornication and provocation of a child to anger, just because they can feel your intent, and most likely are disturbed by it, or else are led astray by it.

The Apostle Paul, in parenting manuals accompanying Col. 3:21, advised pedophilic fathers in particular to masturbate to any thoughts of sexual contact with their child, instead of seeking out their children directly. Most fathers were attracted to their older daughters especially, hence why they stayed with mothers until adulthood, with mothers and daughters being inseparable. Pedophilia then was simply seen then as an unrequited aspect of parental affection, and fathers had to find other ways of connecting with their daughters, or else let mothers do all the connecting. Many fathers were attracted to their children then, but most kept it at a level where the child wasn't offended by it, but simply could tell intuitively. Children then went in the nude, and fathers liked that, but mothers would not allow anything. Intervening between a father and a mother was considered vile and damned fornication, meaning deserving of death even if Christ abolished the death penalty. Parent fornicators were excommmunicated from the church community, and could not return ever again due to tainting themselves in relation to the community - they had to go to another church community to repent.

Biblical times were not sex-positive nor sex-negative. They were sex-critical, meaning sexually cautious, especially in the case of men. Men were condition, much as I am, to fear sexual contact with a woman, until a proper context of closeness where they were married. Women were sexually free then, and men sexually cautious. A man's first time with his wife charred him to the core, then melded him to her as a marriage bond. Abstinence in the sexual arena is a strong part of my male identity, meaning if you have to use a woman for your sexual needs before marriage, you are weak as a man, as a man should be able to center everything and cork it up.

The depraved adult fornicators who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's final resting place! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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