Friday, November 12, 2021

Why children's rights is moving on from pedophiles in the United States

Many people see our movement very different from what it is. The theme is "double-sided", or as the parents put it, "KP". On one hand, we are supposed to be bleeding hearts for children, crusaders for a pro-child cause, and on the other hand haters of pedophiles. I myself am a pedophile, and this movement has come a long way from it's pedophile hating past.

Many people wonder, and have wondered, why trauma survivors would want a pedophile on the side of the rights of children. Trauma survivors are very insightful people - right into your own soul. They, therefore, can know the capabilities of pedophiles more than anyone. The concept was one of "I see all these non-offending pedophiles, yet none are coming to us? What are we doing wrong?"

What took it so long? Pedophiles tend to see being in a children's rights movement as being in a position of high authority. Most pedophiles believe they are undeserving of such a "lauded position". I don't see being a survivor and child advocate as anything to be praised in this country, even if I disagree with that observation - nobody praises us. We are kicked aside and our testimony discounted time and time again, and this is me talking as a survivor, not as a pedophile. Children's rights as a concept is popular with sexual abuse, but nobody listens to the people that dreamt up the idea of children having rights of their own. A pedophile can see things that way - children having equal rights to adults - and many do. Think the man that is always single, lives away from most adults, yet lights up when he sees a child, like a parent, even though he isn't a parent biologically. They are the majority of pedophiles in the United States.

I myself have come to the children's rights community to dump information about pedophilia from a clinical perspective. Our movement has moved away from blaming pedophiles for a few years now, awaiting my arrival, actually tracking me. My presence here cements pedophilia as an accepted sexuality, meaning in terms of clinical acceptance, and I network with advocates here in order to start an anti-sexual abuse campaign, meaning a primary prevention campaign, amongst children's rights professionals. The campaign would be informal, and involve word-of-mouth spread of news of a children's rights discovery - non-offending pedophiles. A lot of people agree with me that pedophiles can be treated before the fact with humanistic therapy options, but the faux-Christian taboo of "pedophilia" persists in more conservative circles of America with values similar to mine, but especially men's rights operatives on the alt-right who project their own toxicity onto an easy target.

Who should be blamed for the abuse of children? Parents, and all the adults who point to them, like a switchboard keeping parents down. Every single adult is guilty of something in relation to children, if not merely existing while belonging to a group of people that has kept children down since time immemorial. 

Most people who are open to anti-spanking ideas seem to be open to pedophiles being treated before the fact, meaning the primary prevention of child sexual abuse. That is because they aren't quick to punish their children. A children's rights movement can be understood as outwardly anti-pedophile, but only because children's rights ideas attract pro-social, non-offending pedophiles. Children's rights survivors do understand pedophiles enough to weed out abusers from non-abusers with pedophiles, but the rest of the world panics at the sight of a pedophile due to faux-Christian taboos that are unbiblical in nature, and so children's rights movements need to hide a bit and appear even more fiercely anti-pedophile. We, as a movement, just want pedophiles to get the help they need. With a non-offending victim pedophile, that means listening and validating, meaning reflective listening to their troubles and even their crushes on children, which may make the average trauma survivor feel like they are talking to a teenage boy with misplaced attracted. Most can do it alone without therapy, but mental health professionals should be trained in dealing with pedophilic clients, alongside positive parenting training for parents of pedophilic children - because such children don't speak a word of their disorder if they even think they will be punished for it. Adults are attached to non-offending, benign pedophiles like they would a child, meaning it is an immature parent, and usually only to the pedophile that discloses to them, unless the pedophile can stay calm and explain what the disorder is. Then, they tell you flat out "I can't fight that battle for you, you have to". 

An adult who punishes their children will be quick to punish a pedophile when they even disclose, thus pedophile progress is linked to anti-spanking progress. Once pedophiles are understood in the United States, there will be pedophile role models of youth rights attitudes, in competitive format. The plan was to appoint a pedophile to knock down all the rest, with "all the rest" meaning mostly pro-spanking parents. I myself am a depraved, entitled sinner in regards to my entitlement as an adult in relation to children, just as every single adult should admit. The fact of the matter is that by the time spanking is banned, pedophilia will long be seen as simply a misfortune imposed on adults and older children by fault of nature. That is acceptance enough for me. Pedophiles like me see it as simply life, but note it as unfortunate when we know where it is pointed. Non-pedophiles need to see it as a sad fate for someone to be born into, in order to be motivated to be helpful and supportive to pedophiles. One can see it as mush, where the acceptance of pedophiles seeps towards children because most adults relate to pedophiles on the level that they do children. A non-offending pedophile like me that is a victim with a capital 'V' is seen as a "kid" in a movement like the United States children's rights movement. "Kid" is different from "child" in that it is a word distinction that prevents plagiarizing the "child" label...I'd actually like to see children accepted first, but I guess we have to play the long game, and empower pedophiles to not abuse children.

The idea behind recruiting a pedophile is to disprove an assertion from children's rights advocates that pedophiles run everything, so that children's rights movements can work on profiling parents for surface-level forms of abuse such as spanking and corporal punishment, and see detecting sexual abuse as a box to go in. Sexual abuse would be the result of adult sexual entitlement. The idea is to make the target label of pro-social prejudice more of a universal label, meaning more factually accurate.

Is pedophilia bad? Yes, it is, on the level that, perhaps, getting COVID-19 is bad. It endangers others, and endangers yourself, so you take precautions of varying sorts so you are not exposed to COVID-19 viruses. Pedophilia works the same way, except it hasn't mutated in thousands of years - the acceptability of its use on a social level has. Sexually abusing a child is wrong, but pedophilia is simply bad news, medically speaking, due to where it is pointed at. But, the moment you form the intent to abuse a child, sexually or otherwise, you have a problem with sin that needs to be addressed. Let the fornicators burn!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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