Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Childhood bipolar disorder: Why some children need less structure

Childhood bipolar disorder is a very real struggle for some children. It is a mood disorder where children can be depressed one moment, and manic the next. I myself have the disorder in remission, meaning medication has subdued the mood instability. I am a pro-medication attachment parenting advocate, and a lot of us are here at gentle parenting, in fact - the punitive parents ignore medication needs, most of the time, including mine until they could no longer. 

Bipolar disorder is closely associated with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). These children are very defiant, but whenever a child is extra defiant, you can chalk it up to a mental disorder of some sort. Most children with this disorder are abused with corporal punishment, and it doesn't work, and so the parents either stop and try something more gentle, or else get arrested for domestic assault against a child 

What setup works for this type of child? The Christian command for parenting is one of mutual surrender. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness leading to fondness and admiration for parents, then respect for parents. This commandment refers to secure, warm rest and trust in parents, just as adult believers rest securely and warmly in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, with children being able to be themselves in relation to children, confide into parents whatever they want or need to, not expecting any punishment or reprisal for being too honest. Child surrender is an onslaught of honesty to a safe adult, with that safe adult usually being a parent. That honesty is earned, and never demanded. Children should be able to tell you anything and everything under the sun, as a parent or similarly charged adult, and should not have to be afraid of you at all. Children in biblical times co-slept next to their children in the nude, with children going nude right up until their baptism to show their vulnerability, as nudity meant a state of vulnerability in ancient Israelite culture and adjoining churches, with mothers only showing their bodies to the father of their children, or else the children themselves for skin-to-skin closeness. Fathers encouraged spiritual and academic growth in children, and peeked the child's natural curiosity in order to teach the child and instruct the child in the right way to go. Usually, young boys especially then were eager to learn about Scripture. Children demanded, then parents supplied said demands, then children rested. Children could also petition a redress of grievances to a parent, and demand better treatment, telling parents how they want to be parented, and parents would listen.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish idiom "stirring the pot" in regards to your child's emotional welfare. This ultimately refers to offenses against children, namely the slightest of offense perceived by a child, including physical or other forms of punishment or control. Ultimately, the Apostle Paul here was speaking of the counterwill, meaning the modern psychological concept as understood in the Early Church. The more you try to control any child, they control back. Bipolar children have rage attacks because they feel controlled, and the attack drives them to overthrow parental control. So, give them less structure and obligations, and let them be themselves at home, until they can be medicated.

Pro-social pedophilia and pro-social siphon refer to the channeling of the bipolar energy of the child, meaning a situation where parents are safe people to let loose around, and be energetic around, and confide in when depressed. The idea is that when you channel all of the energy towards you as a parent, they are more controlled in public venues and at school. Usually, they save all their energy for at home, because parents are understanding and accepting of the child. This should, however, get much easier once they are old enough for mood stabilizers...Think a child running to you when picking them up after school. That's what we call attachment parenting.

Medication is absolutely necessary with this sort of condition in a child, or else they will grow up to be a peacekeeper. Many parents do not believe in medication by way of subconscious bias against children, seeing them usually as simply "bad" and "in need of a good spanking, not medication as an easy way out". On the other side of the coin, some parents here who don't have a child with bipolar disorder think that medication is inhumane, even if they take medication for various medical ailments themselves. Bipolar disorder in children is a regressive disorder, not a progressive one like many strains of ADHD or autism. Some mental health conditions in children are so serious and urgent that they require medication. A child with bipolar disorder feels defeated by their own impulsive behaviors, in a way that they cannot put into words. Medication is a form of pro-social help from a psychiatric or other medical professional, meaning it can be forced on a child as a form of logical consequences for refusing to treat a mental illness willfully. Usually, once they are put on the right medication, they thank you later as a parent or professional...All children want to be good, but some need an extra booster so they can achieve their goals.

The depraved and entitled parents who punish their child through medical neglect will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss of Hell-fire and torment, with God imposing His wrath upon the evildoing parents! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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