Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Religious child abuse of pedophiles: What if your child was a pedophile?

Many say having your child molested is a parent's worst nightmare. It might be, but having your child disclose to you that they are a pedophile might be on par with that. About 1 in 100 males are pedophiles, and an unknown number of females. Pedophile hysteria is a form of religious child abuse surrounding the teaching of sexual purity. Most people get it wrong. It's perfectly okay for a man to look at an attractive female.

The teaching of sexual purity is stated in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers either to false marriage by way of sexual activity or obscenity. A marriage in biblical times was signed on the dotted line, meaning through the couple's first intercourse. This was expanded to any sexual contact outside of marriage whatsoever, meaning the slightest of sexual perception from another person by a child, including through an adult leering at them. Sexual contact with a child defiles the perpetrator, and renders him to the lowest levels of Hell. Simply masturbating to thoughts of one's child is not fornication, but making a joke about your child in that tense is fornication (Eph. 5:4).

It says in Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, whosoever looks at a woman out of lust hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not only to sexual arousal, but sexual entitlement, in context, meaning sexualized intent towards a child in the context of pedophilia, with the intent perceived by the child or a concerned bystander. This word does not mean any sexual want, but want to the point of seeking it out, meaning planning a way into the child's life, or at the very least, seeing over a child as a prospect. If you see a child as a prospect for sexual exploitation and abuse, you have already abused them in your heart. This means seeing it as a real possibility, due to delusions of erotomania usually, and then taking the first steps to insert yourself in that child's life. The Greek root word translated "woman" is γυνε (Latin: gune) and also means "wife", and the two can mean the same thing at the same time, but the Greek root word translated "adultery" is μοιχεύο (Latin: moicheuo) and refers chiefly to adultery. I often expand the meaning of this verse to any child, which means if they perceive sexually objectifying or hateful intent of mine, and are offended, I have sinned by abusing them. 

I have a simple way to judge if sex with a woman or girl is okay. Is she my wife? No? Then all bets are off, even if she asks for it, especially if she is under age 18. Apart from that regulation, all autoerotic options are acceptable, and a good way to learn about yourself in that regard, and center one's sexual desires into a box, meaning pro-social channeling. Many times, anger associated with trauma, in a parent, has to be put into a box, where you open it up when you actually want to experience the emotions. I treat sexual desires for children the same way. I don't have a wife.

The most common form of abuse a pedophile can experience is as a child, meaning religious child abuse in the form of sexual shaming. Punishing a child for masturbating, male or female, is a moral offense against the child, as well as any sort of punishment. Most people who support pedophiles - which is a lot of people under the table - are anti-spanking, meaning how you view parenting children is how you will re-parent a vulnerable traumatic pedophile like me, as pedophiles, once known to the other person, lead to parenting-type attachment, and a punitive parent would want the pedophile dead in that context, or else suffering, to feel safe around them, even if he/she was their child. Maybe they'd cut them a break, but it would be a giant elephant in the room. A gentle parent can be gentle with a pedophile, when following her intuition instead of what men tell her. In the United States, it is the men telling the women how to deal with a pedophile, when their maternal instincts are designed to nurture the pedophile as if he/she was her own child. It is a listening type of nurturing, which makes no assumptions about a pedophilic child's needs. 

When a pedophile, perhaps your own child, discloses to you, admit your ignorance as a non-pedophile, and let them tell you about themselves, and their experiences, with you simply listening, giving advice rarely in the form of child safety advice. A pedophile can actually handle their cognitive distortions about children being shattered, and will thank you later, as I thank my therapist. If you are a gentle, attached parent, you might have a pedophile disclosure right from your own child. Most children with the disorder stay closeted due to fear of punishment, but in our homes, that is absent, and so, why not tell mom and dad "I am a pedophile"? They care, one from Heaven. My mother just doesn't understand it, but chalks it up to autistic immaturity - I am stuck at that level, meaning ages 11-12, when my age-oriented sexual development was arrested due to hormonal imbalance.

Let the depraved spiritually entitled parents who sexually shame their sons and daughters with pedophilia burn in the Hell of fire for their vile and damned child abuse! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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