Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Is pedophilia a sexual prejudice against children?

Many people in the children's rights community believe that pedophilia is a sexual prejudice against children. This is common children's rights/anti-pedophile doctrine. We are pro-pedophile here at Opposing Parental Entitlement. Is it prejudice? Depending on the level of the disorder.

Pedophilia is not entitlement. It can surely lead to adult sexual entitlement, but only does so with a specific intent. Pedophilia cannot be called prejudice as a whole, but perhaps subconscious bias in the case of rationalization of the ability of children to consent. 

The Greek root word denoting entitlement and the Tenth Commandment in the Bible is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers not merely to wanting a child, but wanting them to the point of seeking to having sexual relations with them, leading of offense by way of any sexual perception whatsoever, positive or threatening. 

Pedophilia is a separate but intersecting concept, meaning it can be just thoughts. I have the disorder, and at this point, my pedophilic disorder is in remission, meaning I can definitely feel sexual about children, but only when I want to or when a child is around, in which case I simply like being around her and looking at her. She doesn't seem to mind. When it is imposed on a child, then it can be documented by a righteous judge as entitlement. Entitlement is when you want a child to the point of seeking her out as a prospect, meaning looking upon them as prospects (Matt. 5:27-28).

Pedophilia, for me, is connotational in nature, meaning sun tan oil on a young girl's body, meaning even if she is wearing a winter coat with the hood up, I notice the face, maybe with strings of hair sticking out of the hood. I smile oftentimes like a parent would, even though I am attracted sexually as well as like a parent, and I enjoy being around her. Most pedophiles are like me. It is a very hidden disorder, and most pedophiles can struggle on their own without needing a parent coach. I am a gentle parenting pedophile, meaning parent coaching strategies at preventing domestic violence against children are also helpful for my pedophilic tendencies.

I am an example of a pedophilic adult who got the supports he needed. Pay no mind to anti-CR forces who sow a negative message that everybody has wronged me. I am privileged in that I have a strong support system. Most pedophiles aren't born with parents who have a college degree in counseling, meaning the trauma-informed variety. Everyone seems to treat me as a struggling parent towards children, meaning I have a parent personality directed specifically towards children that carries personal sexual connotations. The idea is to make the sexual aspects invisible to the child, but maybe in a way they can track, meaning at this point I think it is safe to be around children, but only on their terms, meaning I don't invite myself over to a child's house. With a 16-year-old girl I am thinking of, it is best if we meet in a neutral location where we'd naturally run into each other. I'm thinking more small talk, and so forth.

I don't think I am prejudiced against children. A pedophile usually isn't, except in the affirmative perhaps, which is subconscious bias, not collective perjury. Only those who commit collective perjury are guilty of prejudice, meaning judging a member of a group with an accusation pertaining to all of them, before gathering evidence in that regard, meaning through one-by-one individual judgment. Hate is a separate concept, and pedophiles who are sexually entitled towards children hate them once the hate is perceived by the child, in which case it becomes sexual abuse. Assuming isn't necessary perjury, as perjury has to do with accusations, but assuming anything about a child is entitled bias, and is sin. Let the sexually entitled adults/fornicators BURN!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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