Monday, October 4, 2021

...And a quick reminder

We have now determined the victimology of the perpetrator, meaning he was told a pack of lies somewhere about his abuser, a preverbal abuser. I myself am preverbal/verbal, meaning a lot of my abuse is surface-level sexual harassment. The girls don't let it get any further when I feel frisky, meaning all a child victim has to do is shove me off. It's a GIRL I want as a girlfriend/wife, not the CEO of Facebook.

Preverbal abusers are clueless to the point where if people were aware that they are abusers too, they'd just turn themselves in, because others would take their bragging seriously. With me, it wouldn't get to the preverbal level - I get kicked right in the nuts, and then I'd cower in shame, and I'd deserve it...I am a spousifying abuser, in a fixated way, meaning I want to marry her, only I know it will never work out.

I see children for who they are in the moment, meaning I don't even think of them growing up until they do. I see it as a momentary friendship, much like our parenting, hence why I fit into the gentle parenting community. Only, I am not good company for a child, yet at least. They have to decide if they trust me, and be informed of the risks of being friends with a pedophile. I believe in an age of consent of at least 18, maybe even higher, because I don't even think it should be legal outside of a marriage, but that's just my two cents.

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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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