Monday, October 4, 2021

Signing off - taking a break

Due to attacks on my platform as an advocate, I plan to resume a post I already started later, perhaps with a new computer and phone. I rely on shares to Facebook to promote my blog, and Markie didn't just write all over my work with a red pen, but barfed all over it.

The purpose of my Facebook page is to promote a blog. That's it. If you see any pornography on it, let me know, because chances are, I didn't put that smut there.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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Many parents think that children need punishment in order to be pacified. This is a common attitude amongst American parents. However, child...