Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Opposing Parental Entitlement's righteous judgment strategy

Many survivors have a way of judging the abusers, usually pedophiles. I judge parents, not pedophiles, as I am one. I go by the concept of pro-social generosity, mixed with pro-social guilt, knowing that all of us adults are sinful creatures, and have something to hide, yet trusting your neighbor not to at the same time.

It says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not by the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" and "judgment" is κρινο (Latin: krino) and refers to the spirit of the Law, lifted up from the Old Testament, with the Christian being an individual righteous judge of the world, with the presumption of innocence, beyond a reasonable doubt, panning out around them like surround sound, with superficial suspicion marked by the Greek root word "appearance", which is denoted by the Greek root word οψις (Latin: opsis) and refers to "what the eye cannot see", meaning that only the material or eyewitness evidence exists in front of you, as hard evidence, meaning most people around you are deemed not guilty until given a hearing, but that evil can exist in anyone, because it exists in everyone due to original sin.

I judge a parent by way of reason to doubt their guilt, until I have no reason to doubt their guilt in abusing their child, and then I call them out, and when they defend their entitlement to abuse a child, I cut them off and shun them, and they'll never hear from me again, until they admit to their original sin, which isn't really sin, which is abuse from entitled parents. Once they blame a parent, and I hear about it, they are marked off the list for deletion, with me as an extension of God called to judge the world of it's sin, pruning the world in a grand investigation that involves Satan, and centers around the rights of children...If I have any reason to believe you are innocent, and you give me reason to believe that you mean well, I must accept that as evidence, trusting my neighbor. 

What righteously upsets the presumption of innocence is if a victim of their abuse makes an allegation, in which we should, by default, presume guilt in the perpetrator, and presume the victim innocent of wrongdoing. Even if the victim's credibility is in doubt, trust the victim first while taking their claims with a grain of salt, investigating the perpetrator to righteously discredit the victim. In a confrontation, it is the victim pro-social promoting the evil of the abuser, meaning promote in the reverse, and the abuser just sits there. From there, trust in such an individual should be shattered in a moments notice, leading to pro-social irrational(ity) and pro-social hysteria, especially when a child makes an allegation. Even then, the child's wishes become more paramount as the child gets older, meaning the child may just want the abuse to stop, and there are ample medical facilities in the United States, such as ASAP International for that purpose. A child does not see something as low level as sexual abuse like an adult would, meaning an adult would say "get me out of here" whereas a child would say "make it stop", and it can stop, usually in the beginning stages, before it gets life threatening. Most abuse is not life threatening, and is situational in nature, meaning remove one variable, and the abuse is gone. Victims of corporal punishment may not be willing to have their parents confronted because it would blow back on them. Thus, a children's rights advocate out and about should not rush into these things, and most of the time. you can only mark someone as guilty in a public establishment for entitlement alone towards a child, or child abuse as well if the child is as much takes the slightest perception of offense. Under a spanking ban, parents and children would likely engage in moral legal exchange that would resolve a parenting struggle, meaning pro-social argument on an equal level, and the parent would apologize for what happened later. True police intervention to the point of imprisoning a parent would be rare, and to make an example out of a parent.

It says in 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV:

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or an extortioner; with one an no not to eat.

The concept of theft, meaning abuse, is implied in this verse, with any parent that is entitled being a sinner and abuser. The Greek root word translated "covetous" refers to entitlement, and is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting things from children, or for children to do things, to the point of imposing said want onto a child, leading to abuse by way of offense taken, which is instead mentioned in 1 Cor. 6:9-10. Entitlement, by my birds eye view, in a public establishment is anger or aggression imposed on a child, in which the aggression counts as parental entitlement. Depending on the amount of entitlement exposures, and the apparent will of the parent to control their child, they may be deemed a known and entitled parent.

Parent branding occurs behind the back of parents here in Berks County, as we are Anti-Parent here at Children's Rights. I observe as a fly on the wall your behavior as a parent, and regularly report to base with my findings. Children's rights canvasses the world, sailing the seven seas, exploring all terrain, flipping up the burgers behind closed doors which stick out in public as an eyesore, which are known and identified parents. All of this is done as discreetly as possibly. You may be namelessly described in a profile on this very blog, for all you know, and you'd only know if you found my hidden blog, and/or asked me up as a survivor. I observe like an eagle from straight above and aside you as you lash out with your child, having your little parent hissy fit, then mark you for deletion, promoting your evil in the reverse for the Lord. All I do is nod, and the good Lord will take care of the rest of you. Entitlement and controlling attitudes towards children will not be tolerated here in Berks County...I am a witness to evil towards children, in an evil world that hates children and keeps them down, and has from the very beginning. I bear witness for the good God up Above for the Divine Culmination of Investigation.

The worst punishment I have is saved for my family (as progress starts close to home) - refusing to eat with my enemy, meaning abruptly getting up and walking out of the room, refusing to engage in disrespectful and degrading talk about children. Even worse? Getting up and insisting on leaving (I don't drive) without an explanation, begging one. All logical consequences, but if you see it as a punishment enough to protest as such, you are entitled and the rest pans out.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the everlasting lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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