Saturday, August 28, 2021

Mutual submission in parenting - Why parents and children must respect each other (starting with parents)

Many parents demand respect from children, and few have earned it. Most American parents demand a reverent respect that is unbiblical in nature, while claiming to obey God's Law. God's Law is above the law of the land, and calls for the mutual submission of parents and children, with parents submitting first.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to providing custody, meaning parents providing for children's every need, including attachment needs, and children resting in such love and grace, with children being able to be themselves and tell parents everything, owing absolutely nothing in return to parents, yet nonetheless showing gratitude and thanksgiving to parents by listening to their voice and following their exemplary teaching, with parents modeling good behavior instead of imposing rules and punishment. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the offenses under biblical law, meaning the torts and damages under the Eighth Commandment, including assault and battery laws that also protected children, summed up as the slightest of offense perceived by a child. 

In biblical times, parents were close to their children, and earned respect for children growing up. Infants up to age 3 were swaddled in the bosom of their mothers, or else next to them, with older children playing freely in close range to mothers. Children were deified, with parents holding reverence to their children, being best friends with their child in the process.

Parents and children are to submit to each other, meaning respect each other, starting with respect from parents. Let the depraved and entitled parents burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, and Satan's final resting place! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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