Monday, July 12, 2021

Why it is good to identify as a pedophile: A biblical overview

Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children under age 14. Many in this country believe that identifying as a pedophile is sin, meaning anyone who is a pedophile and names themselves as such commits sin just for existing beyond that point. It depends, are you misusing medical terminology as an excuse for abuse? Unless you are, the Bible says nothing against identifying even publicly as a pedophile.

Pedophilia can be understood not as sexual abuse towards a child, but the thoughts involved. The label merely refers to the thoughts involved. I myself have the disorder, and most of the time, it is automatic thoughts about the child, or what I want to do with the mental image of the child later. It can also be a chosen fantasy that I indulge in, namely pro-social fantasy, which involves pro-social channeling of fantasy into a hidden compartment of the brain, which takes practice. I now don't feel a tug to talk to a child in public like I used to. I also used "want" avoidance in relation to children, as 1 Thess. 5:22 says to stay away from even the mere appearance of temptation in front of you, meaning stay as far back as possible. I interpret that as locational, not degrees of the act, meaning I never visit a child's house without my mother present, meaning almost never. I never am alone with a child. I never speak to a child without their consent, shunning myself from the constituency that I represent.

What does the Bible say about identifying as a pedophile? It says in 1 Corinthians 7:24 KJV:
But if any man think he behaveth himself uncomely towards his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will: let them marry.

"Man" here doesn't refer to a husband, but a father in relation to his daughter. The Greek root word translated "flower of her age" is ύπέπακμός (Latin: huperakmos) and refers to the age of consent under Jewish law, which applied to girls in this specific passage, but to both sexes of children, broadly speaking. The age of consent/marriage was conflated with the age of majority, which was 12 for girls, and 13 for boys, with such ages only relevant to the culture then. These ages were only relevant to marriage, otherwise sexual contact of any type towards another person was completely illegal. The age of consent should be conflated with the age of majority, which is 18 in most states.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to sexually entitled intent imposed on another person, creating a marriage that should not exist. Ultimately, this word refers back to all of the sex crime statutes under the Mosaic Law, including also laws against public nudity and vagrant speech. Identifying as a pedophile in a relevant context was acceptable in those cultures, but only for clinical or clinical celebratory purposes. Masturbation was not seen as a crime then, except when done in public where people could be offended. Fornication is impurity, meaning defilement. Defiling oneself while forcing a marriage towards a child victim, meaning any sexual contact whatsoever, is sin, and renders the adult fornicator to be defiled and damned, meaning the lowest in Hell. God forbids all sex outside of a recognized marriage, but especially child sexual abuse, including child marriages, which aren't recognized by God.

Fornication was seen as an unlawfully wedded marriage, meaning without the authority of the church, or in the modern context, the state. Any sex in the Bible is considered a marriage, meaning any sexual contact with another person that can be perceived by the other person in real time. Pedophilia, however, simply refers to sexual thoughts about children, not necessarily sexual behaviors directed towards children. Merely venting to others about burdensome thoughts is not sin, and is actually a way to prevent sin. Same with sexual fantasy. 

Fornication refers specifically to sexual contact outside of marriage, meaning the entitled intent being perceived by the plaintiff. This, in terms of child sexual abuse, can be defined as the slightest of unlawful glances that offend the child, all the way to lust murder. This can include identifying as a pedophile in contexts that aren't relevant, such as work, school, or church. Pedophilia is a low-level, and insignificant mental illness, meaning it is usually secondary to something else, such as a developmental disability such as autism or ADHD. Identifying in private to family is allowed, as is even publicly as long as it is your own page, and it doesn't contain pornography of any kind. See Ephesians 5:4 KJV:

Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

The Greek root word translated "filthiness" is μωρολογία (Latin: morologia) and refers to a form of fornication known as sexual gaslighting in children's rights language, meaning using sexualized language with the intent to offend others or arouse others/yourself. This moral crime can occur on a public Internet screen, or in a private inbox, and is determined by a mixture of word count and questioning of the defendant by the plaintiff, meaning the individual perceiving fornication.

Pedophilia simply denotes an antisocial parent, in which case all parents are antisocial. Any degree of wanting to control a child or appease a child is an antisocial parent, in which all parents are antisocial to some degree, by their very fallen nature. Most parents are physically aggressive parents, meaning they feel the need to control their children using physical means, which can translate as verbal. A pedophile in the raw never is angry with children, and simply finds their children attractive and wants to be friends with them, but needs to know the appropriate boundaries, which a therapist or parent educator can delineate. Most sexual abuse is due to blurred boundaries from the perspective of the perpetrator, meaning they insist on being in one room of the house, usually the bathroom, where the abuse occurs. Thus, why is the abuser even there? Many times, the abuser walks in on their child showering, and does not respect boundaries in terms of entering the shower. The solution is to teach the parent to not be in the shower vicinity in the first place, and maybe distract themselves. Thoughts alone are not a crime. Usually, that's all it is, and the more the parent abstains, the safer the child from an assault. Most pedophiles do not have this problem to this degree, but may be permissive and/or single out a single child for friendship.

Pedophilia is caused by hormone imbalances, usually caused by the onset of puberty. I was clearly autopedophilic in elementary school, but when I hit puberty, I started with avid interest in girls my own age, but as I got older, they did not. Arrested sexual development associated with autism or other developmental disorders is the core understanding of what pedophilia is. My mother, and others in the family, chalk it up to my emotional immaturity. Anyone being investigated as a pedophile who you feel the need to call a "kid" in their defense truly is a pedophile, because that's how most people learn to accept a pedophile, meaning the individual. Most of us are kids, even in our mid-20s, meaning we may rely on parents like a kid would, and see ourselves as on par with a child in terms of our position in relation to children, meaning we think we are their size, with adults towering over us. Pedophiles are parents, but immature parents. 

Christ said to be child-like, meaning not lose sight of your inner child, and this relates to the commands for egalitarian parenting in the Bible. A pedophile is an egalitarian parent, generally, like us, but attributes sexualized/romantic connotations to children. The sexual connotations directed towards the child is what makes it a disorder, meaning it could cause the child harm. It is okay to call yourself a pedophile if your goal is self-improvement. If your goal is to excuse abuse, then you aren't one genuinely. Some pedophiles struggle, and that's okay, but the defiled adult fornicators who defend sexual abuse as a "sexual right" will be cast into everlasting Hell-fire! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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