Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The current political alignment of Opposing Parental Entitlement

This organization is based on fundamentalist Anabaptist pacifist values, meaning children have the right to be free from violence of all sorts, physical, mental, sexual. I myself, by way of calling myself a fundamentalist, simply mean I follow the whole Bible, meaning respect ALL of the Bible as the Infallible Word of God, and when you understand the whole context of the Bible, you come to my conclusions no matter who you are.

I am a Christian democrat, which is a moderate-conservative stance that can be lumped in with Blue Dog politics here in rust belt states like Pennsylvania. We find a way to take both sides of an issue, unless God's Law commands a clear absolute, which I definitely believe in. Different Christian democrats believe differently on absolutes, making some of us more progressive than others...It is, at the core, a more humane form of religious conservatism. 

At the core, I believe in being humane to others, but especially the smaller person that is innocent of wrongdoing. I don't usually interrogate others in real life to the degree I do in my posts, unless they really push my buttons. I presume innocence in my neighbor, working forward in the case of trying to prove if someone is guilty or entitled or not. I only shun entitled individuals, which all other moral crimes stem from, which means the whole world, as this world endorses parental entitlement. I use "you just lost a friend" gaslighting when someone in my circle comes out as pro-spanking. Otherwise, I assume righteously that everyone is an attachment parent and see those qualities in them, until they show their true colors, then I cut them off and send them packing.

"Conservative" can be a theological or political issue. When you let your theological conservatism guide your politics, you become a religious conservative, no matter how moderate you are about it. I base my whole worldview on the Bible, and based on what I know - which is a lot - I'll NEVER change my mind on the spanking issue.

I support an age of consent of 18, and future context ban on all sex outside of marriage. I support a spanking ban in a future context, and support making the public aware of the fact that spanking is already banned in the United States under natural law, by way of moral legal exchange with the rest of the conservative community, and America at large, on a page-to-page basis. Dormant advocate/pedophile.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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