Wednesday, June 9, 2021

What are parental duties?

 I am opposed to parental rights, meaning giving parents special rights to "protect" their child. "Protect" is in quotation marks because they don't protect them, but end up being the abusers most of the time. Parents have duties, not rights, towards their children. Children's rights is about focusing on duties of parents, and not rights. Parental duties are a manifestation of Christian love for children.

Every single adult is guilty merely for their mere existence in relation to children, and are to submit to the every need of children as her enemy, just as mankind is the enemy of God, knowing never more what it is like as a child, knowing that one poses risk to children (like any adult does), leading to full surrender of authority and badge to the court of children and their rights, sacrificing oneself for one's child, just as Christ sacrificed Himself for His children, leading to paying penance for one's adult existence in relation to children by way of providing for care, support, and protection, expecting absolutely nothing in relation to a child. This is Christian love, as refers αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to an action, not a feeling, with said action being able to transform the most vile and wicked of natures while leading to good service towards your neighbor, namely children.

This love leads to submission from a child. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to a form of rest in the submission of parents towards children, with children securely resting in the love and grace of children, being treated with respect and the utmost care, using parents for their every need, including attachment needs, owing absolutely nothing to a parent, but nonetheless is convicted to respect parents as thanksgiving for the gentle warmth, care, and support from parents who do not punish, control, or spousify children. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to legal damages, which can be summed up as the slightest of personal slights perceived by a child. Under the Torah and Oral Law that the New Testament is based off of, the exact offense committed here, in that time period, usually would be dereliction of parental duties, meaning parents weren't seen as authority figures over their children, but as servants of God, to be attendant next to their child's needs, smiling in the face of parental hardship, in a non-entitled way that demands nothing from children, and shuns attitudes that children owe parents anything, for children owe you nothing as a parent. Children decide what parental conduct or course of conduct dishonors their needs, meaning whatever the child victim perceives to be abuse objectively, meaning the slightest of offense perceived by the child, under the moral legal doctrine of pro-social offense. The only way out is to clarify your well-meaning intent to the court of your child, by perhaps apologizing for shouting "no" to a child and making them cry. Being dismissive to their reaction to "no" alone is abuse, and if you defend that dismissiveness, you are an entitled parent and deserve a bullet. Some parents simply stand by but say nothing, and that is simply dated advice, meaning now the doctors, meaning the movement I stand in right now, recommend that you sit by your child, and reassure them as they are crying that they can't get that expensive bicycle on the rack at Wal-Mart. Standing by is not abuse if you explain your motives later, but I recommend sitting with the child, and reassuring her, but in a firm way that sets boundaries. If you were entitled as a parent, you wouldn't show compassion to those tears, but would make "shut up" threats to "be quiet or you are getting a spanking" or else laugh off their upsets.

The duties of parents are not limited in nature. Parents are not cops or authoritarians by their God-given role, but providers to children. A child is entitled to food, water, shelter, transportation, and attachment. The last class of needs there is the most important. Why is this? Children do need limits in order to be safe in a family home and safe in society, because otherwise children, particularly as they approach the teen years, would rebel in an antisocial manner, and would endanger themselves with antisocial behavior as a child, as well as endanger others, spiting their parents. Why is this? Mom and dad are the police, meaning a higher level authority and not s casual friend to hang out, go places with, spend quality time with, and know they will never be punished or controlled by said parent. Safety and security in a parent involving lack of punishment or control in between parent and child in the form of healthy friendship is what leads to compliance and obedience, not punishment, control, or manipulation such as spanking, yelling, false imprisonment, or taking possessions away. Being a cop to your child is a sin. You are not the police, but instead their servant, attending to them while paying penance for all past mistakes and errors as a parent, meaning all regret abuse. I myself pay penance for my adult existence by staying away from children.

The parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive or permissive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and brimstone, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices. Let them languish and BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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