Wednesday, June 9, 2021

When will anti-spanking change occur?: Discerning research denial

 Do I support the spanking research, given the Christian conservative that I am? Depends which research. Science alone is a very weak argument against spanking, and even weaker for it. I concur with the anti-spanking research, meaning the cohort of researchers lead by Dr. Elizabeth Gershoff at the University of New Hampshire Family Research Laboratory. Most parents know that a few researchers out there say don't spank, but laugh them off, not knowing the amount of evidence there is discrediting their belief in spanking. I just laugh at them back, knowing what I know. That makes them mad.

There are three layers of research I talk about in my text. The hidden layer of my text is the anti-spanking research, which references my trauma. Everything in the letter of the text refers as a cross-genre reference to the psychological research into the harm of spanking and corporal punishment on children. You then stick up some statistics through the religious text to gaslight the underlying meaning of the text, meaning I refer you to other sites where the science is stated much more clearly.

I believe there is a threshhold where most parents can only deny so much that their behavior is harmful towards their children. In the past few decades, there has been extensive biblical research. Biblical research is basically studying what is there, meaning the context, in relation to the biblical text, and making new connections, with the new biblical information then spreading to the pulpit of preachers. The bottom line is that Judaism, the root religion where Christianity originates, does not have a pro-spanking teaching in the way that Christian preachers insist upon. It is only a minority of rabbinical scholarship, and only in a narrow instance where a 13-year-old boy, a few months before his bar mitzvah, was seriously endangering the life or the life of another person or persons. Most Jewish parents would not use spanking then, but instead would lock him in the house and ground him...The rod of correction, in the modern context, does not refer to spanking or corporal punishment, but to how parents should balance punishment with encouragement. The actual biblical teaching concerns the concept of mutual submission, It says in Ephesians  6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, as this is right. Honor thy father and mother, as this is the first commandment with promise; May it be well with thee, and mayest thou live upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to anger, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to the chastening of the Lord, meaning the rod of correction, as applied in the modern tense. This rod has two prongs, one for encouragement and one for verbal correction of wrongdoing, with the longer prong of the line of judgment being encouraging with children, in a positive way, while instead being strict with oneself as a parent, submitting to the child's needs. Being a kind, encouraging, attendant parent allows for the child to be strict with themselves, eager to follow in the example of their parents. The admonition of the Lord is denoted by the Greek root word for "admonition", which is translated νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to the correction side of the rod, meaning basically the word "no", or its various variants in order to further humanize the child. There are many ways to decline a request from a child, and/or set a limit or boundary, but it is never acceptable to punish or control a child to back up a limit, as that is something that should be done out of trust. The admonition of the Lord should be rare, with children allowed to do most childish things that don't lead to a kitchen fire or something, but should be supervised and reeled in to avoid permissiveness. The force of the correction is weighed by the Greek root word translates " wrath" is παροργιζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to legal damages, meaning the slightest of personal slights perceived by the child, coming from entitled intent. Entitlement denotes the Tenth Commandment, which is pulled up and cross-referenced by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers not only to wanting things from children, but wanting things to the point of imposing said want onto children, thus leading to theft/abuse. Child abuse is not the entitled conduct or course of conduct towards a child victim, but the perceived offense from the child from said entitlement being imposed onto them.

Parenting in the biblical context was attachment-based, with children staying very close to mothers, and even fairly older children held on the back of mom, using what is called a papoose bag, or bag held on either the back or the front of the mother that holds a young child in a safe place in the safety and close presence of mom. Co-sleeping was normative, in a way that was similar to other ancient cultures, but unlike the others, it was not sexualized in an abusive way. Punishment was not allowed except within a judicial setting, and only towards an adult defendant. A father was not allowed to even touch a child without the mother's and/or child's consent. Usually, then, the mother and child acted in unison on such issues, and wives had the right to divorce their husband if he became too entitled.

What I presented is new biblical research, from researchers such as Samuel Martin and William Webb. Most parents do not know about this research. This page is a gaslighting station for this research. I am nowhere on this issue, yet everywhere at the same time, because I am a pedophile, and a pathfinder pedophile on the spanking issue. Pathfinder pedophiles point out what some people in society know, and give permission for the community to promote the message, proving that if a pedophile can abstain from harming a child, so can any adult. Ultimately, I can't do this alone, and need the backup of scholarly advice and alliance, so we can reform the church from within, and then the culture from without stemming from a difference in church teaching. I do not lobby churches, but simply put out the information, and have it go down the train of information to its source meaning destination - the preacher's pulpit...God's understanding of the Bible never changes, but mankind's humble understanding of His Word can change, and has throughout history, meaning the reason we were among the last to ban slavery was the excuse "there were slaves in the Bible" whereas they were not captured slaves, which was illegal under Jewish law - the slaves were all indentured servants who gained asylum under a Christian or Jewish homes, and had to pay back. Otherwise, the Law forbade slavery, with God reminding the Jews that they were once slaves...Slaves were actually doted on, like children, and treated like an adopted adult child, meaning like sponsoring a homeless person.

It is my prediction that once the bulk of parents hear about the biblical research against spanking, the more that more moderate conservative and liberal Christian parents would see the research, and immediately scramble to find new ways. Most parents, including even most progressive Christians, believe in a Hell teaching, and this does motivate Christians to obey God and keep to their faith, but also grow in spirit. We are a Christian nation. Most of the biblical research done remains compartmentalized, meaning most of the research papers are hidden in filing cabinets at universities across the world, particularly in Israel, where there is an anti-spanking law which was passed in 2000. Most of the evidence given on behalf of a spanking ban is Hebraic literature documenting the biblical context itself, including family life then. Most Christian conservatives use this Hebraic context to understand the Bible, but focus only on the letter of what is written when dealing with children, due to the fact that scholars have a pedophilic bias that they like to deny, and thus have not explored that legal context as deep as European scholars have. If they did, they'd find that no intergenerational marriage was legal in ancient Israel, as customary law forbade it, with the father of the bride being put to shame for arranging an improper marriage. This customary law is lifted up by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia). Most American scholars often deny this teaching. Once they do their homework on the age of consent, and the biblical scholarship - namely the majority of scholars and theologians - are recognized for their anti-spanking viewpoint, parents will listen to the research, as most Christians in the United States are Protestant, and Protestantism allows for you to question the pastor, and do your own homework. Once enough parents find out that spanking is not commanded in the Bible and is sin, a slow sea change will occur. The idea is to confront them with the evidence, and shut them down with it. Pro-social aggression, pro-social evidence. Be aggressive and just put out the facts, shocking the pro-spanking parent reading on the other end, and then shutting them down with irrefutable arguments.

God has banned spanking in the United States. Get a move on things in Harrisburg, in Washington, and in state houses around the country. Got hates pro-spanking parents, and they will be cast in Hell, alongside Satan and his angels on the last day. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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