Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Meterstick: How jaded lines can help parents stop spanking

"Meterstick" is a method many men use for avoidance of sex crimes. Some men are like me, and have a sexual violence program, meaning a sexual harassment problem linked to adult sexual entitlement. Think the CEO or politician that liked to "play" with the secretaries. This is the most common and routine call of child abuse detectives who investigate child sexual abuse, and a bulk of other calls are false alarms, routine and coming from mandated reporter. Meterstick, in drive format, can regulate wants in relation to children.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God.

The Greek root word that link together all the enumerated moral legal counts is translated translated "covetous" πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to a general attitude of entitlement in an adult, and is most commonly directed against children in this country. It isn't simply wanting things from children, but wanting things to the point of seeking to impose said offenses onto a child, as denoted in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the offenses, meaning damages imposed by an adult, meaning whatever the child victim perceives as the slightest of personal slights against them, coming from a place of entitlement in an adult. The idea is for the parent to tighten their girdle, not loosen it, and center themselves in relation to children. It says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV:

Abstain from all appearance of sin.

The Greek root word translated "appearance" is εἶδος (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "form", meaning a Christian must stay away from every form of evil. What did the Apostle Paul mean by "evil"? Everything that the Bible condemns as evil, including imposing punishment or violence on children. "Abstain" means stay as far as way from abusing a child, keeping as many lines uncrossed as possible, with individual conviction based your individual needs, including mental health needs. Two adults may need two drastically different treatment regimens from their abuse problem. All adults have a child abuse problem of some kind, of some level.

The key for any abusive trait is pro-social avoidance/escape, meaning avoid any situations that may lead to conflict, and avoid any harsh words with your child. This leads to another acronym, pro-social rephrasing. Do it whenever you talk about children. Talk not about how annoying children are, but how you don't owe them anything. Do it as stock phrases, and a morale to go along with it. Avoid confrontation with your child by allowing the anger to just fly by, and the more you let it fly by instead of act on it, the more you center that anger, and you head becomes a bowl.

I myself don't at all have an anger problem, meaning I am not able to feel anger at a child, at all, at all, at all. I just feel wiped out and tired in the rare cases that I am with them. You go back home, and then want to take a nap. My problem is unfair sexual thoughts. The idea is pro-social surrender, in thought process, meaning instead of battling such thoughts, surrender to the fact that they exist in my head, and let them fly by. At the same time, I practice speech non-entitlement in relation to children. Under my religious conviction, I am not to even speak to a child unless spoken to, instead appearing shamefaced and fearful of the child's righteous judgment, being put in my place by the mere existence of children, with my lowly existence as an adult worthy of punishment merely for existing in relation to a child. It is a humble, understated attitude that allows for the child to have freedom and liberty, respecting the Fourteenth Amendment to equal protection under the law in term of physical or other domestic violence. The more I avoid speech and interaction with children, the more I am silenced and shut up, paying penance for my existence as an adult in relation to children. Every single adult is culpable for the massive and extreme oppression of children through time immemorial...That oppression has gotten worse over the past 2,000 or so years. In ancient Israel, attachment parenting was the normative style of parenting, with punishment only being allow within judicial bounds. No child could be charged with a criminal or civil offense. Only verbally warned by a parent, in a teaching way.

I have pedophilia as a secondary self-diagnosis to my autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and a primary self-diagnosis in a children's rights movement. Children's rights here means youth rights, meaning choosing not to harm, abuse, or discriminate against children in any way. Pedophilia is a thread of parental aggression intended to control a child. It is not inherently a good thing to have around, just like it isn't good for a physically aggressive thread to exist inherently. Both type of thread must be restrained, and the longer a reformed habit lasts, the longer it will stay. I myself now don't want sex with children, meaning I don't exactly yearn for it. I just like looking, and maybe reviewing my findings at another place, at another time in private. The physically aggressive parent equivalent is getting out a Word document and cursing out your child there instead of to their face. 

I think all parents especially, but any adult in relation to children, should at least work on humbling themselves to the degree that I do. Children are an extension of God, meaning if you serve the needs of children, you do so for God. If you disobey a child's needs, you disobey God (Matt. 25:31-46). Let the parents who defend entitlement and abuse burn! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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