Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The one form of abuse that can end (leading to all others)

 Many children's rights advocates think that spanking will be banned in due time, and that is correct. Many people think we can end spanking. There is no country in the world today without corporal punishment towards children. Even in Sweden, about 3% of homes use physical violence against children, mostly immigrant homes. But it still happens, which is a part of the sin nature of mankind. But, we can have a full cessation of another form of abuse in this country, or at least 3% or so of children are sexually abused in this country.

Many people think pedophilia is the most difficult of mental illness to treat. Depends how helpful you want to be towards them, with too much being too much. We treat them in society much like second class citizens. The only way out is to shut up and be quiet, and avoid "getting help" like everyone screams at you alongside "go kill yourself". Pedophilia is a low-level condition, but in the best way in terms of adaptability.

Think a tunnel of gaslighting, with a slab at the end. That slab is one's non-entitlement in relation to children. Most adults in the United States have a very low slab. A bulk of men, about 20% or more, are attracted to teenagers or even older children as a secondary attraction, and may use various excuses to abuse usually their own children or a child living or residing in the house, usually a teenage girl or preteen girl (more likely a preteen girl between ages 11-14). I believe most sexual offenses against children do have sexual motives, but in an entitled way.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers not only wanting things from children, but wanting things to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child. Adult sexual entitlement is the entitlement of a sexual abuser, meaning they want to use a child sexually to the point of offending a child that way, and imposing those damages onto a child, leading to fornication (GRK: πορνεία). 

A pedophile can just choose not to abuse, and then children can be safe. How about all of them. Millions of parents and adults just giving it up, meaning turning themselves into the/their children, submitting to their right not to be used sexually for any reason. So you are alone with a young girl and you rape or sexually assault her? Why are you even there? And why do you need to drink that beer that's on the nightstand, clouding your judgment?  I don't care about your rights, meaning you have none at this point if you sexually molest a child. I only care about the rights of ordinary pedophiles who do not abuse children. They are one of the first groups in the country to turn themselves into their children, first on the spanking issue, and now on the sexual abuse issue. In the 1990s, about one half of clinical pedophiles abstained from sexual contact with children, whereas today it is 3 out of 4 pedophiles. 

There are two types of child molesters, the large and the small kind, in terms of profiling. Most pedophiles are the little guy, usually with a but of PDD-NOS, or maybe full blown autism alongside their disorder, and certainly trauma in our culture that abuses and oppresses children. There are very few statistics one can use to break down the pedophile population. but the majority of pedophiles at the Virtuous Pedophiles forum quick test as victims, usually ultimate victims. Most pedophiles, unlike most men, see fantasy as something to construct, which is a cognitive feature of autism. 

It is a thought that can easily be stopped before becoming an abusive action towards a child, meaning you don't stop the thought. You don't even try to. Just let it fly by, and then move on with your life. I do notice a young girl, and remark to myself "she's kind of pretty" - to yourself, and not to her or around her, as that is abuse - and then you keep on walking down the street, or watch as the car you are riding in goes past them. You don't care that she just past by you, because she's in your head now, and can be let out at a later time, behind closed doors. Thus, there's no need to go the other way, and towards the child.

Most pedophiles are not the narcissistic monsters you see on TV, nor are they the creepy dude driving a van around the neighborhood. Most are likely tested victims, usually landing somewhere on the autism spectrum (ASDs), and many are either employed by a disability services agency or else are unemployed and on disability, with their pedophilic attractions being a sexual expression of their autistic disability. Many of them simply don't know their age or size, but can be taught their age and size if they so wish. Most have not committed a sexual offense, or else have committed sexual offenses as a teenager in the form of sexual harassment or vagrancy in relation to a child. "Vagrancy" can include following school students home from school, or waiting outside the child victim's house begging to get in. These sorts of offenses are the most common offenses committed by pedophiles - the ones in plain sight, on the lawful level. However, most pedophiles are not the abuser, and most are pro-child, usually in a policing way, having a neighborhood watch personality. The guy in your neighborhood who is a little eccentric, keeps to himself for the most part, but acts as the neighborhood watch for children on the block is likely to be a pedophile, if he is a he.

Children's rights is about turning yourself in. Not to the authorities, but the child, for the child is the one true authority over her bodily and other autonomy, and we as adults are commanded by God through the child not to offend the child, or impose damages on said child. Stop at the mere prospect of offending a child, for if you have offended a child, you have offended Christ, meaning offended God, thus committing blasphemy as well. All pedophiles are capable, unlike most parents and adults, are completely capable of avoiding harm towards children throughout their life, because the parental control that is the sexually aggressive instincts are at a lower level. Being a pedophile and truly loving children is a selfless endeavor, in a restraining way, meaning you don't care about the fact that you might want a child sexually, because you certainly don't want to hurt them, so you abstain and sort of humbly pat yourself on the back, knowing your inaction did good for any child that may cross your path. It is a love that allows God and the child to ground you. It is submitting to the child, feeling safe and secure in the chastening of the Lord, while being struck with reverent fear and terror. 

We want all pedophiles to turn themselves into children, and then all adults, independently and without being a ward to a caregiver. If you abuse a child, you are on your own, meaning nobody should stop pedophiles from abusing children. Pedophiles should stop themselves, and pedophilic adults are individually responsible for any abuse they impose onto a child. They are just like any adult who abuses a child, meaning they made the choice. No, not "drives" - choices. You choose to abuse, you lose. Gpd's plan for adults and children is mutual submission, meaning in practice, in this case, children self-protect and adults abstain.

We all can choose to not abuse children as adults. First pedophiles turn themselves into the children, then the parents accordingly. All will hold themselves liable and blameworthy in relation to children, meaning every single adult. It seems pedophiles, clinically speaking, are more adept at opposing child abuse. All sexual abuse could be gone if this continues. Not a promise, but a hypothetical guess. 

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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