Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Catch it early: The ideal treatment plan for pedophiles (gentle reparenting rethought)

 Pedophilia is a mental health disorder involving intrusive and/or unhealthy thoughts involving sex with children under age 14. Pedophilia is the most serious childhood disorder that a child can struggle with. Thankfully, there is treatment available for the condition, namely more than ever, since the founding of the Virtuous Pedophiles organization. The idea is to catch it early.

I myself finally self-diagnosed as a pedophile at the age of 16. My parents were both in different levels of denial, but nonetheless there I was, having a mental disorder that posed a risk to children. It was like a loaded gun that I brandished proudly, maybe shooting in the air a little bit. It is a phase that certain pedophiles go through that get immediate acceptance from their parents. It is coming out of the woodwork, in the form of dirty jokes and nonstop talk about kid crushes. At that level, it is a mental illness, but improving since the disorder is out in the open for concerned adults to judge.

What is the ideal treatment plan for pedophiles? Listening and validation, meaning reflective listening by a fellow adult, like a sounding board. You don't have to say much to your child, and DO NOT preach to your child about how they should have turned out, because they are who they are, for good or for bad, and true accommodation for the disorder is not strenuous on parents at all. Yes, you have a pedophile in your house, and you have to keep the pedophile as he/she is your child. Most parents simply see their child except when the condition comes up in conversation, in which case a good parent listens carefully and reflectively, maybe asking the child questions about how they could improve their attitudes towards children, such as "What could you have done differently so you wouldn't have been kicked out of [insert child's name] house?" and then brainstorm with your child as to find a better.

Generally, a surface-level pedophile sees crushes on children as train cars, thinking each child they are fixated on is "the one", even if they are a teenage boy, especially if they are a teenage boy. They usually want monogamy with their young friends. The pedophile shouts from the rooftops, declaring his/her love for the child target, in an obvious way that might be seen as creepy by the child if not corrected by the child themselves. No amount of punishment will fix the problem, as being a drill sergeant will make them hide such a low-level issue. The idea is to invite them to be open and honest with you, and then be on stand-by, much like a crisis hotline - the hotline doesn't come to you; you dial the number to get you there, but dialing a number is easy. But, talking to parents should be more easy concerning this subject than talking to a hotline.

Pedophilia is a disorder that has two modes, child/pedophile and parent/pedophile. The former one is the class of pedophile that is the most oppressed of pedophiles, as they have no say, and are also under the jackboot of childism/adultism. Another form of pedophilia is parent pedophilia, which exists in teenagers as delineated as the former type, meaning all pedophiles are parents, and they all are parents to someone. The pedophile is a parent to the child they refrain from harming or abusing, which happens a lot, in an understated manner. We pedophiles hate what we are capable of, and turn ourselves into the child and admit the original sin that is our guilty adult nature. "I am a pedophile" means I refuse to abuse children. Let the defiled fornicators and sexual predators BURN!

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