Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What is pedophilia? Why it is a childhood disorder and not an excuse for abuse (victims first, abusers last)?

 Many people hate pedophiles, as a form of antisocial prejudice. The purity police are out to police the thoughts of every pedophile, and the bosom of every teenage girl in the pedophile's wake. But, do you not know that *I* am the purity police TO the purity police, you hypocrites! Be afraid, for you will be judged in due time for your bigotry...possibly towards your own child.

Pedophilia is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with autism/ADHD and related traits. It all starts at puberty, by way of developmental delay. A boy, upon becoming sexually aware, finds classmates his own age attractive and, on average, 5 years younger. 

I myself am stuck at age 11. This immaturity is connected to emotional immaturity associated with autism, and the two mask each other. Basically, a pedophile is someone with autism or autistic tendencies who doesn't know their own size, and their age-oriented sexual development corresponds with that.

Pedophilia can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with humanistic elements. It is about listening to the parent with the condition, and offering advice rarely. Many times, advice bounces, and then the client agrees to the instructions behind the therapist's back. Pedophiles are as stubborn as any parent.

Being a pedophile in America, statistically, makes an adult less likely to abuse a child. Most all adults have abused a child, but 3 out of 4 pedophiles have not committed a sex crime. Restraining pedophiles are the most common type of pedophile, and restraining a parent like that conditions most pedophiles away from others forms of abuse towards children, such as lawful spanking and child abuse. Most child abuse, including most child sexual abuse, is committed by parents, within a family home, and behind closed doors. It can also happen in stores. It is everywhere, and condoned by our culture, whereas elements in our culture could be rearranged to allow for gentle, non-violent parenting. Pedophiles tend to be one of us in spirit, at least by my observation - they like our parenting, but are ignorant, at best, as to where it comes from. Any time you are a mature, responsible friend to a child, you are their gentle parent, perhaps a symbolic one, but still one nonetheless. It is a type of friendship that requires non-entitlement, and I think pedophiles are perfectly capable of being kind and respectful to children.

I might say that a bulk of pedophiles at VirPed have committed some sort of abuse, but since they most likely aren't entitled about it, I leave it go and let it go to waste behind the account screen. If you defend child abuse of any kind, anywhere, I'm blocking you. I don't want to read that on my screen...I'd say the rate of child abuse among those at VirPed, meaning anything the child deems offensive, is lower than in an average group of adults in the United States, and that is due to the gentle parenting conditioning of many of the pedophiles there, as well as that most there tend to avoid children, meaning are loners but will fully be engaged with any child they meet. Usually, they are an unhappy, gloomy person, but children cheer them up.

WE are pedophile survivors, meaning we survived (lawful) child abuse, and you will not over speak our trauma due to being a parent. You parents abuse, then we pedophilic adults accept the blame, while you pay nothing. We are grateful to have a whole community of gentle parents on our side. WE are gentle parents, and WE are parents, but WE rarely brag about the last part.

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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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