Thursday, May 6, 2021

Pro-social parent abuse, pro-social mirror: Why certain parents are deserving of abuse

Assault and battery against parents does exist in this country. Not all of it is abuse. As a parent under Divine Codified Jurisprudence, you have certain duties to put in the pot that is the growth and development of your children, and when you don't enter into the pot, sometimes the pot doesn't care about you, and spits out at you. That child you punished for 18 straight years is now turning the tables on you. What are you going to do? Plenty of ways of disposing of the waste person you created, molded with your own hands like clay.

The Ten Commandments served as the Constitution for the Israelite nation, with the Fifth Commandment being used a legal motive for the Parent Protection Laws. The reason was a high rate of family violence against parents. Heirarchy then, in ancient Hebrew society, was first-to-last. Children first, parents last. Honoring parents often meant harboring them for any mental illnesses, defects, or dementia they might have. If a parent struck an adult child in the Old Testament, the adult child could strike the parent in a courtroom to avenge damage, and set that parent straight. 

However, we do not go by the Old Testament context except for distant reference purposes - to see where the New Testament teachings stem from. Christ came to further the law, but not all of it, meaning only in spirit. Respect was seen as a form of mutual submission in parent-child relationship. It was assumed that the child's behavior would mirror the parents, and Christian parents then were aware of this mirroring aspect of child psychology, whereas many adults think only children with autism are like that. It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:
Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stir up" or "exaserbate", referring to legal damages perceived by the child. The slightest of personal slights perceived by the child is abuse. The Apostle Paul issued this command for a reason. The Epistle to the Colossians is indeed an epistle, and an epistle is a letter written to a group of people. Fathers in the Colossian church were misusing their authority and spanking their children, then known as a pagan tradition from Rome and Greece. Paul was stating to parents that whatever you give to children by example is what you get in return, meaning that if your older child is attacking you and berating you, they must have learned it from somewhere. Nope, you're abusing them, and you need to own up to it and seek help. You deserve to have yours handed to you, with 40 lashes with the rod of correction, literally speaking now, once we take away their right to punish and control their child. Stripes of blood prove guilt in parents. Lock up every parent, kill them with handcuffs, and validate every victim...We fucken hate them all, so put them in prison for life with no bodyguard. See how long they last.

Abuse of parents is a form of ingratitude of the worst variety, when parents have been nothing but gentle and kind, and you beat them up habitually. Parents do not have protection from biblical law except to expel a child who is attacking them, then call the police. My mother would be a true victim if I ever did anything like that to her. I had to put her in a chokehold once, hopefully getting to a point where I could explain a grooming fact to her. I feel awful now, and literally cried in the hospital, finding tears. I still get teary eyes. I do not wish harm upon my mother - I want her to be there for me, for what I need, and she is far more selfless than most parents in this country. Such is a quality I respect in a parent. It is the selfish ones that yell at and punish their children all the time that need to be woke up...Parent abuse is simply anger at parents from a live-in child, which parents are responsible for until the day that the child moves out. If the attack is completely unprovoked, it is abuse of parents, and a valid form of abuse.

Let the entitled parents BURN!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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