Thursday, May 6, 2021

Pro-social confidentiality: Why children own information imparted onto parents and adults

 Many parents think that a pedophile is someone who keeps information away from parents by threatening the child "do not tell". These are called "shut up" orders in the anti-sexual abuse community, and abusers have whole "shut up" policies. I don't shut up children - I shut up myself when a child confides closely to me.

It says in Colossians 3:20 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure rest and attachment in the love and grace of parents. The children's rights acronym that applies is pro-social pedophilia, in siphon format, meaning a child has a lot of issues, and has nowhere else to talk, and I happen to be a friend in her sight. I don't give advice to "save the day", but rather listen and validate, like a sounding board, maybe nodding, and NOT judging anything the child says, at all, as children are exempt from all judgment.

My default stance is to not share anything a child says about themselves to me with anyone, not even their parents, and maybe give parents a general idea of what we talked about. She, on the other hand, can say whatever she wants about the conversation to others, even to accuse me of abuse she perceives from me.

There are times when I'd go around a child, such as when they were making threats to themselves or others, or when they were engaging in habits that negatively impact their life or health (ex. alcohol, drugs, self-harm). I'm just not one to endanger a child's welfare breaching confidentiality when that could get them punished and abused in the way.

Let the child groomers and sexually entitled parents/fornicators BURN!

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