Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Why spanking is abuse NOW and not in the future tense

Many parents still spank their children, and control and punish them otherwise. There are advocates here that are what we call future-tense anti-spanking advocates. They think spanking is a serious form of abuse in a future context, not today. Others here think it is wrong today but was not considered wrong in the past. I'm an all-time anti-spanker, meaning it was never okay, and never will be okay, until the end of time. God never approved of a parent putting their hands on a child in that sort of domestic battery fashion.

Where will you find anti-spanking trauma at its worst? Think a police chase of a child molester. Molestation is avenging anti-spanking trauma on an innocent life. Pedophile websites such as GirlChat have hidden traditions of flaming off members who bring up spanking in any celebratory light, meaning you won't be educated by them - you will be sent death threats. I myself am an advocate that operates that way. 

I assume, coming here, that you don't want education when supporting spanking your child, and once you defend it, I will flame you out in a terrorizing way, burning you as a parent. Genuinely struggling parents don't exist, and when they do, we don't count them here at anti-parent/anti-spanking, and the more they defend themselves, the guiltier they appear, but we presume innocence until they really start demanding their rights. 

Spanking and physical punishment do not exist anywhere here in Berks County, Pennsylvania. When it appears to the child like a capital T, it is noted by God and the child, and the parent will be punished for their misdeeds on their last day, languishing in eternal Hell-fire. Their hidden remorse doesn't exist, as their victims do not want them to be remorseful, and want them to be the abusive zealots they are until they apologize, which never happens until it happens, and then they were never abusive parents to begin with - that stays in the past.

Abuse later? No, abuse NOW! God hates pro-spanking parents, and will torment them forever and ever on their last day! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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