Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Insight into my beliefs: Capital punishment and human life

 I am pro-life, and that's why I'm still here. Life is a good self-interest to have, and seems to be my only strong self-interest, given all the times I was tested by parent EEG attacks. Many here now think I might kill them for being a certain type of parent. Anti-parent is a pacifist Christian entity, meaning we resort to pacifist interrogational means with parents. Pacifist does not mean we let people walk all over us, but that we assert ourselves through non-violent means. Hostile? Absolutely.

Christ abolished the death penalty on the cross, as unforgiveness was the death penalty. Neighbors only forgave each other with strings attached, meaning only a certain amount of warnings, and then "bye bye". Now, forgiveness is always on the table. In my faith values, you can always get me to forgive you, no matter how you wronged me, if you can earn it to the standard I set. I can often set a high standard. There are members of this community who I have accepted as not a parent, but still don't trust right away. Give me some space.

Killing parents, literally speaking, is definitely against my religious beliefs. Murder is explicitly mentioned in the New Testament by the Greek root word ψονεύς (Latin: phoneus) and is explicitly stated as a mortal sin. It would be mentioned elsewhere, but it is a form of theft, as denoted by the Greek root word κλεπτω (Latin: kleptó) in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God.

Murder, including self-murder/suicide, was seen as theft from ones kin, one's family, and one's friends. It was theft from the church body, in which the penalty was expulsion from the Christian Churches of God, meaning dismemberment from the Church, thus separation from God, thus Hell on earth, and Rev. 21:8 repeats that murders will burn in Hell in gruesome terms.

What is a murder? Taking a life as an aggressor, or otherwise when you could have defended yourself otherwise (ex. self-barricade). The idea is that, when under murderous siege from your enemy, to pro-social bunker/hide/defend. Using a firearm is acceptable as long as you do not have mental health issues in which possession of firearms could lead you astray to homicide or suicide.

Some predatory pedophile beliefs include the ability to kill in advance, whereas my beliefs do not, as the Early Christians were pacifists, and many even abstained from self-defense. Part of my selfless gaslighting of abusers is to incur them onto me, to show that I have no selfish interest, as an abuser would be selfish and instead be a bully. Usually, though, I use pro-social evil gaslighting, and shut down my opponent with words intended to cause temporary emotional harm, in a way that the abuser would flee limping. Beyond that point, I have a duty to stay put, or else simply quote the abuser elsewhere if they are spreading defamation. Calling them back for a battle is entitlement and abusing an abuser. Going on the offensive, meaning pro-social flag, is acceptable if the page itself is perhaps hiding something, and you know in advance and accept that you might be banned from the page. I might target pro-spanking parents on our pages, and that might be due to me "looking for lunch" so to speak. I try to keep it civil, until I get entitlement out of them, then I snapshot it, and post it to my pages.

I was subject unlawfully to EEGs, in an abusive manner. An EEG is a treatment for trauma, in which case the client/survivor often focuses on the relief end, and the fact that abusive beliefs were "charred to dust". That wasn't my experience, thus I am now also a survivor of false psychiatry. There are plenty of true doctors I trust, and thankfully, the ones I don't are hidden on the dark web, consigned to their fate due to their status as criminal narcissists...Anti-children's rights has tried to take down numerous advocates of ours for "being so crazy as to believe children don't need punishment", which is the stigma I feel. I feel punished for being here, and I will not tolerate that. I believe in what I advocate, and I will not be shut up. 

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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